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MJ finish telling his story while Jinjin also say back "Don't think that you destroy the trusty feeling between each other, you done because you also have a reason behind it. After he know, he doesn't seem to hate you and abandon you like you think it anyway. He still acting himself the same like before he know the truth about himself. Right?" Jinjin continue the conversation further. "He might not show it now, but I still feeling guilty anyways. I keep this secret all along with myself, I am the only one who know about it. I tell Sanha but I'm not telling him. If I was him or if him was me, of course are going to feel the same way as being betrayed from the one we love" MJ further explain his perspective. "You have never asked him or have a time chit chatting with him like seriously, how could you know he will think that way?" Jinjin said further to calm his friend down.

"I know him for many years, of course I know how he gonna feel. Even though he is not showing any surprising emotion but I know it smash harshly within his heart" MJ said while still feeling very guilty. "You are quite a stressful person isn't it?" Jinjin said while feeling understanding. MJ said back "You should have know since I seeing Eunwoo badly injured like that". Jinjin then answer back "Of course you are, you probably not smile since the day Eunwoo was hurted. Approximately one month up until now that you can actually smiling a little bit cause he feel better than before. Even though you can't visited him quite often in his room since he need to take a rest but I know you are really worry about him". MJ then further telling Jinjin more "I love him as my real brother, that why I'm really concern about his well being. If respect as an age generation, he consider me as his older brother that he respect though out his lifetime. I just want him to live happily cause what he face is so damn worse already".

"That the thing every brother usually do, the family bond" Jinjin support MJ words. "How about you then, do you being afraid of anything at all" MJ said while looking at Jinjin. "Even though I am such a tuff person, strong person and somehow bulletproof. But it doesn't mean that I'm not scared of anything at all" Jinjin said back while laughing a little bit. "Can I asked, what you are scared of?" MJ asking further. "You can asked, you already told me yours if I'm not tell mine, I will take advantages from you" Jinjin said while continue the conversation. After that sentence MJ is somehow being quite waiting for Jinjin to say something. "I'm scared of my heart, I'm scare if one day we have to separate and walking out our own way. Or we might have to walking back to our original way, I don't know if I can fine such a good friendship like you guys from else where" Jinjin said while he is sad. "Why you said that it gonna end soon? I think it probably taking such a long long time for it to end" MJ said while smiling.

"I know it a long journey but I just can't stop thinking about it, I don't know how long it gonna be and how much are we gonna bond much more than this. But I just don't want it to disappear since everything is finally done and when all the problem is being solved. Are we gonna stay together in the end? Like together not because of we have to doing a mission together" Jinjin said while lowering his heads indicate he is very thoughtful about it. "That probably be a good thing to concern about, we coming together and forming this team is quite wrong somehow" MJ said while he is also thinking about it also. "Why do you think it wrong, do you think we shouldn't do this?" Jinjin asking back cause he confusing. "I didn't said that it was wrong but from what it should be, it shouldn't be like this at the first place. Do you think that vampire and wolves can actually living up their life together? You probably remember that day when we save Eunwoo at that laboratory room. How much trash word that vampire throwing to us. Vampire shouldn't be with wolves while wolves also shouldn't be with vampire. We coming in this place, it way too far from what we should be since the beginning" MJ said while asking Jinjin a further question.

"So, you mean that from all this time along you are forcing yourself to be friend with us right?" Jinjin said while somehow raising his emotion. MJ then said back suddenly "That now what I mean, I just feel that we not supposed to do this. But we just already do it" MJ said further. "If you have a chance to going back at that time again, will you decide to be friend with us like this time" Jinjin asking further cause he really want to know how MJ think about this thing. "I don't know either, right now I'm still don't know how the future gonna be, and I still don't know why at that time I decide to be friend with you guys" MJ said back while he still confusing of himself. "Then we are not the same" Jinjin said back with despairing eyes. "How is it not the same?" MJ asking back further. "Nothing, you should forget what I said" Jinjin said while being quite. MJ also being quite also cause he still keep thinking of what Jinjin has said to him and trying to forget.

While Jinjin is talking to himself "So how could I love you, cause you always thinking about what is right and what is wrong. I usually cut that things out since the day I met you. You are the kind of person who looking from the outside is not a person who caring about other people that much, somehow scary in a type of way. But I just don't know why, everything that you have done, make me want to stay beside you, make me want to see what you doing each days with my own eyes, but up to what you has been said. You are not feeling the same way with me, I don't know when it gonna end. I don't know that how much longer do I have to keep this feeling for you. But I know that I shouldn't tell you how I feel, at least if we need to be apart in the end. Just let us apart because of we having such a good friendship rather than you hate me because I told you what I feel. Even though we might not see each other again but at least I just want to be in that little pieces of your memory. That will be better than enough for me" Jimin said while looking at MJ.

This is the second boy love story that I write. If you want to read more about my story. I also finish my first book name "The Best of Me" you can read further if you like. I'm trying so hard to writing this story so please supporting me and if you have any comments or any suggestions, don't hesitate to let me know by chatting with me. I will be online as much as possible to read your suggestions. Thank you so much for your time reading my story. I hope you enjoy. See you next episode.

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