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"I didn't mean that I'm not enjoying such a pleasure time with you" Moonbin quickly saying back. "Then why are you thinking of giving up like this, this is not you at all" Eunwoo further resisted of what Moonbin is thinking to do, cause he know his boyfriend so damn well. "This is not just a little problem now, Eunwoo. Think of reality" Moonbin say further. "It not even a problem, but you are making it to be. We loving each other, why do we have to care that book" Eunwoo said while he is not understanding anything coming out from his boyfriend mouth. "Hey, calm down guys. Does it have to be today?" Rocky further join the conversation after he been thinking all along of what he should say at this moment.

Eunwoo finally grabbed Moonbin hand and drag him inside his room. Everyone just can't do anything except watch them leaving. "I'm gonna get going, this atmosphere is too bad to enjoy" Sanha said while sensing Rocky to go with him. MJ has been left alone in the table and thinking to himself "You guys just don't understand, it not right. If we have such a romantic relationship, we might end up like what Eunwoo parent have few decades ago" MJ said to himself.

At Eunwoo room,

"Why you have to drag me, it hurt. Letting me go" Moonbin said while shaking his hand off Eunwoo hand. "What is wrong with you? Why do you saying like you are on the same side with him?" Eunwoo asking further without any hesitation. "Alright then, if you are insisting of knowing the reason I can tell you, do you think that I really love you that much. Do you think that I enjoy every moment we have together. Not at all. I never enjoy just a single moment with you, never. Is that clear. So that why I can't bared to stay with you anymore, the better I have been apart from you the better I feel good to myself. It because you have save my life that why I act good to you. Not because I'm interested in you in anyways. I just want to pay back to what you have done for, and that all I have been thinking of" Moonbin said the thing he doesn't want to said in his whole life. He doesn't want to say something that destroying his lover feeling but it seem that their love have come to the dead end.

"I don't believe you, you are lying. You love me. We are loving each other. Right?" Eunwoo said while his tear is screaming down his face. "Enough, stop playing that you are in a optimistic world where everything go by your imagination. It only happen in you dream and that all it can be. It never became true and that why dream are better stay as a dream. Because when they collide with the reality. Reality always making you feel bad, horrible and terrifying" Moonbin said another violence sentence to make Eunwoo stop what he is thinking. It might sound nonsense of letting someone that you love to go away like Moonbin does, but do you dared enough to walk by his side when you can't even protect him from danger. Moonbin even cause Eunwoo to die since that time and that is the thing he keep reminding himself everyday that he should deserve any love from Eunwoo. Even though Eunwoo is not thinking like him but he is feeling it anyways.

Eunwoo crying quite hard, he wish Moonbin taking out all his word he has been said. He think it was his dream, but no matter how hard he hit himself it always pain. Moonbin body fading away from him. Moonbin open the door and go out. He then texting his wolf member for the talk. All of them were gather back to their wooden house and discussing something. "Why are you calling us?" Rocky asking further. "I have make a decision that I will move out of their house" Moonbin said what he want. "Why, are you guys having a real fight this time" Rocky asking further. "We not having any fight, but..." Moonbin whining since he doing something he don't want to. "I let him down" Moonbin further finished his sentence. "What do you say to him?" Jinjin continue asking further. "I throw shit to him, I said some bad word to him. I want him to get away from me, but I just can't bared to see him cry" Moonbin crying out this time.

"Then why you have to do it" Rocky asking further. "It the best way for everything" Moonbin said while still crying. "I understand you, probably you and me are in the same position" Jinjin further support his brother. "Are you like MJ for real" Rocky asking back. "Isn't that obvious? I'm really into him, but I just can't said it to him directly. Cause he always caring about that book" Jinjin explain himself further. "I know it quite obvious, but I want to hear it from you" Rocky said that he is knowing how his big brother is feeling. "Yes, I like him. Since the day he cooking something for us to eat. He is charming when he is with the apron" Jinjin said while he about to cry.

"Not only you guys who have a crush on the person you should not having a crush on. It me also" Rocky said further. "Are you and Sanha are...?" Moonbin asking further. "I'm liking him, but I never told him how I feel" Rocky answer his brother question. "I understand you, we are all in the same position" Jinjin again support his little brother. "I think this is the bast way for us" Moonbin said further. "I'm decided of not going back again, I think of sending a message to someone instead" Jinjin said further. "I can text Sanha and let him tell MJ and Eunwoo later. Cause I and Sanha are not having an argument like you guys have. We are good right now, but if you guys think that this is the best way I will support you guys then" Rocky said while understanding his brothers. "Thanks for the helping, I really appreciated" Moonbin said while smiling with the trace of his tears along his cheeks.

Rocky has been thinking to himself that he should giving up on Sanha or not, due to what his brother are facing right now. It is better to not start it or just let it flow by his feeling. Let his heart design for him. He actually don't know that if he brave enough to walk on his own way without caring other people word it will wrong. Because from what he have seen from his brother, by giving up what they really want to do is so damn hard to carry on.

This is the second boy love story that I write. If you want to read more about my story. I also finish my first book name "The Best of Me" you can read further if you like. I'm trying so hard to writing this story so please supporting me and if you have any comments or any suggestions, don't hesitate to let me know by chatting with me. I will be online as much as possible to read your suggestions. Thank you so much for your time reading my story. I hope you enjoy. See you next episode.

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