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After a huge rest from that day, another discussion session has been setting up. They are all having enough rest, taking care of themselves at all cost and wish they are all going to be much more proud today. All of them coming out if their room and making themselves at the table. The discussion then start. "How were you guys night? Good?" Jinjin opening up the question that might leading the whole conversation today. "Yeah, as good as I hope it will be" Sanha reply with smiling expression. "You seem don't feeling that way, anything holding you back last night" MJ asking further with worrying mood. "There nothing in particular, just afraid that I will not doing well while being a prey for them to haunt" Sanha said while he looking down to the ground. "It haven't started yet, while you worry about it already. Take it easy, you still have Rocky to cover up it for you" Moonbin further joining the discussion. "Are you not trusting me?" Rocky asking further indicate that he is feeling a little low, cause he might the thing holding Sanha back last night.

"I'm totally trust you, but I'm not trusting myself. I'm sure you're not gonna make me in such a stupid dangerous situation" Sanha said to make what Rocky understand become clearer. "Then why you are not trusting yourself" Rocky asking further. "I'm afraid I might messing up to plan we made. I just have never done it before so that why I'm afraid" Sanha reply Rocky message back in worry emotion. "Hey, don't stress out. Just doing your best" Eunwoo said to calm his younger brother down. "That right, we still need to fill up more space in our mission, may be at that time you might found much more comfortable" MJ said to making his younger brother become better. "Sorry for letting you guys down but I really can't getting this out of my head" Sanha said while still thinking stressfully about it. "It's good that you are stressing about it, it mean like you really concentrated about it. But don't let it overcome your happiness, you need to be more relax. Haven't you been heard of, if we doing something with calm we might ending up having a great result. Because we have time to think and revising it again. But right now we still haven't finishing the plan yet and also not revising it yet, it just a long way to go. We might coming up with the new things which make you become more confident later on" Rocky said and explaining his point in a much more detail than before.

"Thanks, you guys make me feeling better for some reason. At least you guys make me feel that it still fine to make mistake, but I won't let that happen for sure" Sanha said while looking up to all the member that were looking at him in a caring eyes. "That's my boy" MJ said while smiling from cheeks to cheeks. "Now coming back with the plan we left out. Who still don't have anything in their responsibility yet?" Moonbin asking the question which drawing them back to the thing they should considered more. "I think me, MJ and Jinjin still don't have any responsibility in particular" Eunwoo answer Moonbin and also looking MJ and Jinjin and they nodding their heads indicate the same understanding. "So, what I have coming lately is that only six of us might not be able to chase them away, we need more people" Moonbin suggested further point that need to investigate more. "But how could we find more people, if normal people become our back up that usually hard for us to trust" Rocky said another important issue that they need to concern, as they are not normal people and they are also being targeted by normal people also.

"May be we have a way" Jinjin suggesting further which make everyone waiting for more detail from him. "What do you mean we have a way out of this, it seem like there only six of us that were still in this species. No one will be on our side and having the same thoughts with us" MJ asking further to make Jinjin clarify his point of view. "I mean we can used Eunwoo, he can control people mind right? That might be another option we can make from it" Jinjin coming up with the plan that he has been kick start few minutes ago. "That right, I'm having that power. That might be another significant option we can rely on further. How do you guys think? I'm agreeing with this. This gonna be a huge thing for me but I'm sure I will having fun with it" Eunwoo said with happy expression while asking other members for the opinion. "I think it the best choice we can rely on for now, let's including this in our plan as well" MJ said further that he usually counting on this option also.

"So, Eunwoo are you okay with this responsibility or it sound too much for you. As you said it was a huge thing so I'm not sure whether you are really want to do this" Jinjin asking further cause he was the one who coming with this idea which is quite a tough responsibility for Eunwoo, so he ask for confirmation. "Of course I'm gonna be fine doing this job, it was an interesting one and I'm sure we gonna make a good thing out if this" Eunwoo said while smiling back at Jinjin. "By the way Eunwoo, haven't you practice using your skill? I mean your power, like how long does it last?" Sanha further asking more interesting question. "I have been practice quite often and the duration of it seem extend from before, but I have never measure just once after the change" Eunwoo said while scratching his head indicate he is a little embarrassed. "I'm not mean to scold you or anything, just want to know about the time" Sanha said while smiling back to make his older brother feeling more comfortable.

"So could you used you power and measure the time, it might be helpful in our mission later on" Moonbin suggested more thing to concern about Eunwoo responsibility. "Yep, sure I will try and measure it when I'm practicing again" Eunwoo reply to his boyfriend. "Now there only left with MJ and Jinjin that still didn't participate in any responsibility yet, what should we coming up further. Does anyone have any idea more to filling the gap of our plan?" Rocky further suggested the proceeding question which make everyone trying to think and follow what Rocky has been saying.

This is the second boy love story that I write. If you want to read more about my story. I also finish my first book name "The Best of Me" you can read further if you like. I'm trying so hard to writing this story so please supporting me and if you have any comments or any suggestions, don't hesitate to let me know by chatting with me. I will be online as much as possible to read your suggestions. Thank you so much for your time reading my story. I hope you enjoy. See you next episode.

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