GOOᗪ ᗪIᔕGᑌIᔕEᗪ

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They were all having a great breakfast together. Chitchatting about how each other being up to last night and how the thing run through between each of them, but none of them ever spoke some romantic kinda type during that time. All of them were dispersing out and still finding more information on their enemy, in order to fight back they need to know their weaknesses, and they wish they have them. If they don't have it, it might be a hard story for them to gain a victory back from that. They were having lunch and dinner and dispersing themself back again to their own room spare for two.

It was a late night and probably everyone is having good night dreaming of the thing they want it to happen but something unexpected make Eunwoo waking up. Eunwoo hearding some noises outside of the house which usually no one can know that their house is existed so he teleport quite fast to that area and take a look. Unluckily it was the trap meant to catching all the victims getting here. Eunwoo is teleport to that area and the man smash his neck with a strong wood make him fainting down to the floor. A group of them dragging Eunwoo to the car and drove away. Moonbin who was sneaking behind Eunwoo and seeing everything finally wake everyone up and told the story to them. He first go the senior room which have Jinjin and MJ there "Guys, Eunwoo is being kidnapping" Moonbin said while shouting out loud. "What where?" MJ asked further. "I don't know where either, but can we talk about the detail later, hurry up. We need to safe him in time" Moonbin said while shutting the door so hard and heading to junior room. "Guys, Eunwoo is being kidnapped. Wake up" Moonbin said again the same phrase as before. Sanha then raising himself up and get ready, he further said "Got it, I'll see you outside" Sanha is more than ready for probably every situation. That make Rocky surprised about it. They were all gathering at the center of the house and heading to the car they only have in the front door. It good that Eunwoo is not fully unconscious, he trying to make a mark or trace whenever he go. Good for his power is that whenever he is in danger. He will feel more vulnerable and that generate a stronger smell for wolves to detect it much much easier. All three wolves using their sense and it came up with the same result, so this mean that. The place they know is quite accurate cause all of them thinking of the same place. They finally reach the destination in the right of time. They were all stalking to where their taking Eunwoo to. Gently and silently as possible and they are doing perfectly.

Until new character has been joined by the way and that make thing become more fun. They finally bumped into another vampire that can live up till here. That vampire can change himself to whoever he want to be so he disguised himself to become Eunwoo and pretend to be hurt real bad. Moonbin suddenly grabbing fake Eunwoo to stand and suddenly that vampire sense a wolves smell so he chasing Moonbin hand away quite fast and very violence. That was the first time Eunwoo has been done this to him and he feel that something is probably wrong. Not only him that feel like that, other were thinking of the same thing but they don't want to conclude it at first. Eunwoo is not kind of an aggressive person and that action of chasing Moonbin hand is never been inside Moonbin head before. Moonbin is kind of in a making sure state whether that this man is a fake Eunwoo or not. So they let that vampires join the cluster and trust that vampire for just only just a half, because all of this time they spend together this is not the Eunwoo they found yesterday. That disguising vampire were going along with them and about to leave the place until real Eunwoo has been appear and obstruct the way they are about to go out. Eunwoo cough several time and said "He is not me, he is disguising" Real Eunwoo has said something up. Moonbin then realized that his sense is right. He smell the changing in Eunwoo smell which is not the same with the one who coming along with him. But he is not so sure cause both of their smell is similar even him can't tell the different but he still feeling that something is going on. They know who are real right now but they want to play game with that fake disguising vampire so they finally coming up with the proving question "How could we know who are the real Eunwoo?" Moonbin asked both vampire a question. "Don't you really wanna this kind of question at this time? I'm hurting right now. Bringing me home" that disguising vampire answer first. Bingo! they know now that one hundred percent this man is a fake one. Because Eunwoo never care about himself. Who will say that they are hurt and want to leave this place. "Don't you guys remember me?" Real Eunwoo said with sad voice. "He is playing a drama, you should have not listening to him" that fake one is somehow getting afraid that he gonna getting suspected. But according to what he said it like he is somehow showing his identity that he is not Eunwoo. "Then I have the last prove to go, showing me your power. To me" Moonbin said while willing if there gonna be some hurt he might get. Real Eunwoo smile to Moonbin then he instead of controlling him he hypnotized Moonbin with the good memories he having with him. All the day and night are playing like he is watching a movie. He showing a scene by scene. How they met, how many time they fight and how much they have gone through before they coming in this point together, where they finally not fighting each other anymore. Where the good memories start. Moonbin smile without notice cause he has been inside Eunwoo memories. He end his memories then said "I know you know that I'm the real one" Moonbin then finally getting out of that control and smile delicately at the real Eunwoo at the back. Fake Eunwoo is kind of sweating and he don't know what power Eunwoo is having so he don't brave enough to used his power. "Stop it, you can't do any further don't you" Rocky further said. "We know that you are not Eunwoo since the time you chase Moonbin hand away. Eunwoo never did that to any of us before. He is way more kind that you do" Jinjin further explain the reason. Once that vampire know, he then transform himself back to his original vampire appearance. "Well... well... well, you guys are so smart. But not that smart as you guys think" after that vampire is finish talking he then further hitting the emergency button and some researcher has been running and chasing them. They were all about to run but the hallways has been blocking by that vampire. Sanha using his power to throwing that vampire to the side of the hallway and tell everyone to go first. Rocky stay behind and help Sanha obstructing him. Rocky transforming himself to be a wolf and bite that vampire hand into two pieces. One pieces has been drop down to the ground. All the blood is soaked around that cutting arms, and if he is not getting any blood transfusion he will die in case of lacking blood supply. Moonbin further grabbing Eunwoo and carry him with his shoulder and get going with MJ and Jinjin leaving Sanha and Rocky behind. Sanha and Rocky running to other direction to make the crowd spread to other area. This way is the best way to lowering the crowd and somehow create more advantages for them. MJ and Jinjin get obstruct by another group of crowd so they are all separated in pair.

Moonbin and Eunwoo is escape from human until they reach the middle of the bridge. Both of them were injured from the bullet that human fire on him. They not make it in time, researcher reach the bridge and burning half of the bridge they stand on. Suddenly the bridge has been cracking a little bit which make Moonbin slipped to the side of the bridge and he is left in hanging position. Eunwoo suddenly grab Moonbin hand in time. He grab Moonbin hand tightly afraid of letting go cause it might make him to lose someone important to him.

This is the second boy love story that I write. If you want to read more about my story. I also finish my first book name "The Best of Me" you can read further if you like. I'm trying so hard to writing this story so please supporting me and if you have any comments or any suggestions, don't hesitate to let me know by chatting with me. I will be online as much as possible to read your suggestions. Thank you so much for your time reading my story. I hope you enjoy. See you next episode.

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