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Seem like Eunwoo, Moonbin and Jinjin were there. They have to make it fast in order to catch up with them and following their plan. Right now MJ has killing two man already and there are tons of them more which are heading this way. What they need to do is that they need to get rid of them but not all, just left with few of them. In order to used that man to drive them to the building. Not so long MJ has discovered his upgrade power which are he can trap people inside his emotion. He can scope people to stay in one location so no one has been left outside his eyes. So, he finally used that power to make them all gather at the same place and trying to handle them all at once. Sanha finally coming back to be fully conscious and trigger MJ that he can support him. MJ then said "Fight!" after he said he then using his concentration to scoping them down in small location where Sanha and Rocky can finishing it easily. They are planning quite well. MJ trying to support by giving Sanha and Rocky a backup by using his power as he said "Healing".

MJ power is not only in a bad way, but he can used this power with only Rocky cause he can used with his same species. So Rocky has been cover up. Sanha using his hands and tossing them to the ground one by one while Rocky has been transforming himself to become a wolf and biting them all. When someone trying to approaching Sanha, Rocky using his body and chasing them away. Until one moment when MJ can't hold on his power he then said further "I'm running out of power, you guys need to be more careful" MJ said while his power has been faded. "Take a rest, we can handle this" MJ said while hiding himself back against the same tree he used to do before. 'That was quite tough actually, I didn't think it will be this hard' MJ said to himself alone. Suddenly a phone ring, MJ picking up the called with his exhausting voice. "Where are you? Does everything okay there?" Jinjin asking with his worrying voice. "I'm fine, just running out of my power" MJ said without hiding anything.

"How about you guys now, do you want me to come back?" Jinjin said further. "No, stay where you are. I think Sanha and Rocky can handle this. My power will be recover soon" MJ said while breathing heavily. "Hey, what going on?" Moonbin shouting from the outside. Jinjin then reply "MJ power was faded he need time to recover". "Tell him, I have the medicine for recovery. It is placing on Eunwoo room right on the table. I haven't trying it before but I developing from my blood, if my blood can be used with Eunwoo then it can be use with you too" Moonbin shouting until MJ can hear what Moonbin is trying to say. "You do have, how detail you are. You heard that right. Just grab it" Jinjin said while continue talking to MJ. MJ finally realized that he is not choosing the wrong person to walking by his brother side. Moonbin can actually save someone life. "I'll take a look, thanks. See ya" MJ said while hanging up the phone call.

He then walking ahead Eunwoo room while seeing the small bottle placing on Eunwoo table. He then drinking that healing potion and see the reaction. Not so long his body has been boost up and just like he never been boost up before. He then realized that how much he causing Moonbin down, comparing to what he has been thinking of. He thinking of many ways to fulfill the hole we never mention in the plan that why he feeling more guilt. He then said to himself 'Thank you so much Moonbin, thank you so much for this thing' After he gain more power he then coming outside and using his same power he have while controlling them also. Sanha and Rocky whose nearly gonna fall down suddenly surprised that why MJ power has been recover this fast. In just a blink of an eyes 6 man has been demolished right down in front of Sanha and Rocky eyes. Now, only a few of them left which are enough for them to used in order to bringing them there.

MJ then controlling three more people to doing what he want and if not, he threatened then that he will kill them. Three of them follow without any debate. Sanha then said "Why you recover this fast?" MJ then reply "Moonbin developing one more drug which I picking it with me, he did it for six bottle and I have consume one. He said it was from his blood and it was because he have gave Eunwoo his blood once so he thinking that this time it might work. So, he develop another medicine which I'm still thankful for what he have done" Sanha the said further "He is actually good in this way. I'm surprised" Rocky said further "I have heard from his friend that he was really smart, but I never think he will be this smart actually" Rocky said while smiling with the mood of proudly of his brother. "Continue driving, don't stop until I told you so" MJ said while changing his eyes from the delicates one few minutes ago to become much more like a villain in a traditional novels.

Eunwoo, Moonbin and Jinjin still waiting for other three members of them to reach here. Suddenly something happen, Eunwoo hand has been exposing to the synthesis light and not so long he feel burning. "Ahhh!" Eunwoo keeping his pain in a low levels. "What happen Eunwoo?" Moonbin asking with worrying eyes. "I'm have a burning thing around my hand, I don't know why" Eunwoo said while looking at that area. 'Right, I have never told him about the consequences that he have when having my blood. Should I tell him now' Moonbin said to himself. "Hey, do you remember that I have gave you blood?" Moonbin finally open the point. "Yep, I remember. Why are you asking?" Eunwoo asking back. "In the ancestor book of your species they said that if vampires get a blood transfusion from wolf, that vampires will cannot tolerance to any light source at all. That why you are having burning sensation right now" Moonbin further explaining his point. "What... then how am I suppose to do the mission then when I can't exposing to any light at all" Eunwoo asking further. "I'm sorry I telling you this late" Moonbin said cause he is totally forgot to tell Eunwoo this thing. "I'm not mad at you but it mean like I can't help you guys" Eunwoo said while looking down to himself.

This is the second boy love story that I write. If you want to read more about my story. I also finish my first book name "The Best of Me" you can read further if you like. I'm trying so hard to writing this story so please supporting me and if you have any comments or any suggestions, don't hesitate to let me know by chatting with me. I will be online as much as possible to read your suggestions. Thank you so much for your time reading my story. I hope you enjoy. See you next episode.

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