Chapter 18: sickness

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1 month later

Aunthors prov

Its been one month sense Brad and Carrie have been together. There loving every moment of it too. Carrie is finally divorced and left Mike the house when he got out of jail. He was sentenced 1 year in jail then he's on probation. Carrie had also gotten a restraining order against him so she wouldn't have to worry about it later. Brad is divorced from Kim now. Kim tried to take the kids with her but she was refused after the kids told the judge what she did to them when Brad wasn't home. So Brad got full custody of the boys and she is not allowed to even see them. Brad left the house to Kim because he didn't want her to go without a home or anything. Carrie and Brad are currently staying at Blake and Miranda's house. Miranda is now home from the hospital for two and half weeks now. Brad and Carrie have been helping out Blake on taking care of Miranda and the house.

Carries prov

I woke up in Brads arms. I looked at the alarm clock and it said 2:30 am. Why am I up? All of a sudden I felt queezy. I quickly moved Brads arms with out trying to wake him. When I was untangled I stood up and ran into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I went to the toilet and got onto my knees and just started puking. Oh god.. I feel like crap. When I was done I sat all the way down and rested against the wall. It felt so good. But that didn't last long because I started puking again. I thought I heard a knock at the door but I couldn't do or say anything because I kept on puking. I heard the door open and foot steps behind me.

B-"Carrie?! Are you okay?!"

C-"No." She then pukes

He grabbed my hair and held it while rubbing my back.

B-"Its okay. I'm here. I'm right here."

I didn't answer him. I just kept on puking. After awhile. I finally stopped. Brad was sitting against the wall behind me. I got up and rinsed my mouth. Then I brushed. I walked back over to him and sat in front of the toilet. He ended up pulling me onto his lap and holding me. I laid my head on his chest and fell asleep. About maybe a couple of hours I woke up and got off his lap. I leaned towards the toliet and started puking a little more. Brad must have heard because he was right with me again. She I finished I was to week to move. Brad stood up and helped me up. I rinsed my mouth and just stood there.

B-"Carrie, come on. Were going to the hospital for find out what's wrong with you."

I was to week to protest. I just shook my head okay. Then he walked out to tell Blake where we were going. I made my way to the dresser and changed into something comfortable. Brad came back and did the same. I grabbed our phones and the keys off the night stand. Brad walked over to me and picked me up. I laid my head on his shoulder as he walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs. Then We walked out of the house to his truck. He opened the door and set me in the passenger side. After I was in, he went around and got in. While he started the truck and backed out of the driveway. I laid down and put my head in his lap. I could feel him tighten when we came to a stop or when he was pressing the gas. Itd made me fall asleep. But I didn't sleep that long because Brad started to shake me a little. I sat up and as soon as I did I felt sick. I opened the door and ran over to a bush. I felt bad for that bush because I was puking in it but there was no way I would have made I to the trash can that was closer to the door. Brad came up behind me and started rubbing me back. Once I was done. He handed me a water. I used it to once again rinse out my mouth. When I was done Brad picked me up and carried me the rest of the way. He carried into the ER and went to the nurses station.

B-"Excuse me. My girl friend can't stop.puking and she doesn't feel good."

N-"Okay. Right this way."

She took us to a room and had Brad set me on the bed. Then she left and went to get a doctor. Brad crawled into bed with me and held me.I seriously felt like I was going to cry but I didn't know why. I laid my head on his chest and snuggled up to him. We waited about 20 minutes before a doctor came in.

D-"Hi ms. underwood. I'm doctor Grey. Can you tell me what's wrong?"

Brad helped me sit up and got out of the bed.

B-" she's been puking sense maybe 2:50."


D-"Okay. Does anything hurt?"

C-"My stomach. I feel horrible."

D-"Okay. Were going to run some test and we will let you know."

B-"Okay. Thank you."

The doctor walked out and a nurse came in and took my blood. Then she left. I laid back down and circled up into a ball. Brad walked over and came back into bed with me. He laid me on top of him and started playing with my hair.I looked up at him.

C-"I love you Brad. I'm sorry I woke you up.."

B-"I love you and Care... Its fine. If your sick I want to help you get better. There going to find out what's wrong."


So we waited about an hour until the doctor came back. She had a huge smile on her face and I didn't know what to think. I woke up Brad who had fallen asleep. This time he sat up with me and didn't get out.of the bed.

D-"Hi there. So I have the results from the blood test."


D-"Congrats Carrie. your pregnant."

C-"Did you just say what I just thought you said?"


B-"How long?"

D-"One month."

I stared at her in shock. More than a month ago I lost the baby. And shes saying I'm pregnant again?!



C-"Um thank you."

D-"Yup and I won't tell anyone that you guys were here."

B-"Thank you."

Then she left. I burst into tears. I didn't know what to say or think. What is Brad going to think. What if he leaves me! This made me cry harder. Brad wrapped his arms around me and started to rock me. I turned around and faced him. He had tears in his eyes.


B-"Care, don't..."

C-"don't leave me." I said crying.

Brad didn't say anything. He got out of the bed and picked me up. He carried me out to the truck and set me inside. Then he went around and got in. I didn't know what he was thinking.. I don't know. Brad started the truck and started driving. I didn't move over to the middle seat. I stayed where I was. I looked out the window for the longest time. Then I noticed her was slowing down and pulling over to the side of the road. He parked the truck and turned it off. I don't look at him. I couldnt.

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