chapter 33

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Skip ahead 6 weeks

Brads prov

I woke up to my alarm going off. I reached over and turned it off. I didn't want to get up I needed to. I flipped over to look at Carrie but she wasn't there. I slowly got out of bed and looked into the bathroom but she wasn't there. I quickly got ready for the day and went down stairs into he kitchen. And that's where I found Carrie. Who was making breakfast for the boys. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her .

C-"Morning babe."

B-"Morning." I said kissing her all over her shoulder. Then I moved to her neck.

C-"you know if you keep kissing me like that, I'm not going to be able to finish cooking breakfast."

B-"I can't help it." I said while kissing her. That's when my phone started ringing but I ignored it.

C-"haha.. Mr paisley you better answer that."

B-"Okay okay." I said letting go of her an dwalking over to my phone. I picked it up and looked at who was calling before I answered it. It read Manager


M-"Hey. You need to watch the news without Carrie near you."


C-"Just trust me. You need to do it now Brad. I got to go. See ya later."

B-"Okay bye." I said hanging up.

C-"who was that?"

B-"Manager. I have to go look for a paper. Ill be back." I said lying. I hated lying but I had to.


I looked at her then headed downstairs and turned on the news.

Anchor 1-" yeah. I can't believe they let him out of prison! He just could go back and hurt her again!"

Who are they talking about?

Anchor 2-"I know. But her father helped him pay the bail and everything. He even promised to watch him."

Anchor 1-"Well I think that's wrong because for heaven sakes that's her own father! You would think he'd be angry about what he did to her!"

Anchor 2-"I mean it his own daughter that Mike rapped!"

Their talking about Carrie...

Anchor 2-"And now he helped him get out after all of that. Do you think its because Carrie still loves him and wants to be with him more than Brad?"


Anchor 1-"I think Mike and Carrie will get back together. I mean they were in love and from the sounds of it they still are."

Anchor 2-"Actually, I really don't think so. I've seen Brad and Carrie with my own eyes. And trust me. Their in love. You can tell by the way they look at each other. Like it was meant to be."

Anchor 1-" I don't know. I mean yeah Mike rapped her and all. But they were married and now hes out on the streets again. He has a chance to win her back. And you know he's going to take it..."

I couldn't take it anymore. I turned off the TV and just stood there. Mikes out an he's going to hurt Carrie. No. I won't let that happen. I turned around and was going to run and tell Carrie but she was right their. All I could see was tears coming down her cheeks.

B-" Care.."

C-"Did that just say what I thought it said."

B-"yes it did."

C-"Oh god..." She said falling to the floor.

B-"Carrie!" I said running to her sidd. And getting down on the floor with her.

C-"Brad. Hes going to find out and hurt me."

B-"Find out what?"

C-"Find out that I'm pregnant with your child. He's going to try and just me.. Just like my my father." She said crying harder.

I stood up and picked her up bridal style. Then I carried her over to the couch and sat her down. I sat down beside her and pulled her onto my lap.


C-"Brad.. No. You know he will find away to get to me. And he's going to hurt me and our child.."

B-"Care. I'm not going to let him hurt you. Okay. I will do everything I can to make sure he doesn't even touch you."

C-"But Brad. I'm going on tour in two days. What am I suppose to do when your not there. That's when he'll take his chances to get to me. And hurt me." She said looking me dead in the eyes as she cried.

B-"He won't touch you because I'm making arrangements so he won't touch or come near you and our baby. And if he ever touched you again. I will kill him myself. Okay. Care I love you and I'm going to do the best I can to keep you safe."

C-"Okay.. I love you too" she said buried her face into my chest. I started rubbing her back and rocking her. After about ten minutes she calmed down and pulled back to look at me. "I think we should tell the fans.."

B-"Are you ready too?"

C-"Yes I am.. Are you?"

B-"Yeah. How do you want to do it?"

C-"Actually I've got an idea... What if we get the boys to do it?"


C-"They could be like um... Were going to be big brothers and we can get them those shirts that say thing 1, thing 2. And get a baby sized one for them to hold together saying thing 3."

B-"Instead of them holding it, why don't we use Ace." I said laughing

C-"Actually that's a really good idea. We should do that!"

B-"Okay but first we got to take the kids to school. And then we can go get what we need okay."

C-"Okay!" She said before kissing me. Then she got off my lap and helped me up. "Now let's get those boys to school." She said before taking my hand a and leading me upstairs.

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