chapter 16: Hospital

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Lukes prov:

Its been over a hour sense Miranda has been in surgery. I finally got Blake to calm down. He's now sleeping on my shoulder. Haha I got to take a selfie. I pull out my phone and take a selfie of him sleeping on me. I put my phone away and look at Caroline. She's been crying but she's trying to hide it.

L-"Hey babe, what's wrong?"

C-"We haven't heard anything from the doctors in awhile and no one can get ahold of Carrie or Brad.."

L-"Still nothing? Here trade places with me."

C-"Wait why?"

L-"I'm going to get some information about Carrie. They have to be here somewhere."

C-"Okay. But how are we going to do this without waking him?"

L-"heavy sleeper. Alright ready?"


Caroline stands up and slips behind me as I start to stand up. I slowly life Blake's head and put it on her shoulders. Then I lean down and kiss her.

L-"I'll be back."


I walk out of the waiting room and to the nurses station.

L-"Excuse me."

N-"Yes what can.. Are you The Luke Bryan?!"

L-"Why yes I am!"

N-"Omg can you sign my phone case?!"

L-"Yes I can!"

She hands me her phone and I sign it. Then I hand it back.

N-"I'm sorry about that but I'm a huge fan! Your amazing and so is your music!"

L-"Awe, why thank you darlin!"

N-"Now what can I help you with?"

L-"Is there a Carrie Underwood checked in here?"

N-"Um yes. She arrived over an hour ago. Brad Paisley carried her into a room. She was badly beaten and I think she was rapped."

L-"Oh god. Where are they now?"

N-"The doctors are still with her and Brad Paisley is in the waiting room in the corner."

L-"Okay thank you." I said walking away. I head back to the waiting room and stand in the door way. I scan the room till I found Brad. He was sitting in the corner with his face in his hands. I walk over and sit next to him. He doesn't look up at me. He just keeps crying. I start to rub his back.

L-"Hey man. Carrie is going to be okay."

He looks up at me.

B-"This is all my fault. She wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me."

L-"Brad this isn't your fault. Its Mikes."

B-"he rapped her. And I wasn't there to protect her."

L-"You clukdng be there to protect her.. They took her away so you couldn't help her."

B-"If I would have fought harder for that gun she would be in my arms right now."

L-"Brad. Stop thinking like that. Its not your fault and there wasn't anything you could do."

B-"I wish there was.."

L-"Me too.. Me too. How long have you been here?"

B-"I don't know. An hour.. Maybe longer.."

L-"I didn't even see you come in.."

B-"I guess I snuck in.."

L-"I guess you did. Where are the kids?"

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