Chapter 9: Dinner

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Brads prov:

I walked in the boys room and shut the door behind me. Then I looked up at Hucks bunk. He was in bed with his face burried in his pillow.

B-"Huck, come down here and sit with me on the bed please." I said sitting on Jaspers bed.

Huck crawls over to the ladder and gets down. Then he comes and sits next to me.

B-"Is what Jasper said all true?"


I pulled Huck onto my lap.

B-"Huck, I would have never left you guys. I love you guys to the moon and back. Your my life and I couldn't live without you guys. Your mom was trying to keep me from leaving her with you guys. That's all. I promise. And I'm never going to let you see her again. I'm going to do the best I can to keep that promise." I said as tears started falling from my eyes. Huck snuggled closer to me and buried his face into my chest. I felt my shirt start to get wet and I knew he was crying.

I held him tighter. I laid on Jaspers bed holding Huck. We stayed like that for awhile. At one point I thought I heard a knock at a door but I heard Carrie say hello to someone. Must be Sandy. Then I heard Carrie laughing. I love her laugh! Its so beautiful and I just want to keep her laughing so I can hear it. Then I started thinking about us dating, getting married and having more kids. I hope we would have a little girl just like Carrie. I want to be with Carrie not Kim. I'm going to divorce Kim. I'll call the lawyer tomorrow. Then I got pulled from my thoughts when Huck moved and looked at me.

H-"you promise you won't leave?"

B-"I promise I won't leave. Now you have to apologize to your brother. You shouldnt have said that."


I got off the bed and picked Huck up. I walked to kitchen and I seen Carrie holding Jasper on her hip putting groceries away together. I seriously love the way she is with my kids. I started smiling and walked into the kitchen.

C-"what's up with you Mr.Smily?"


C-"Me what?"

B-"You make me smile every time I see you."

C-"Awe Brad and you make me have to pee every time I see you!"

B-" Haha I'm good don't you know!"

Carrie smiled at me and she didn't stop. She went back to putting everything away with Jasper helping her. I looked at Huck and nodded my head.

H-"Jasper i'm.. I'm sorry for yelling at you and being mean.."

Carrie stopped and turned towards us so Jasper could face him. Jasper looked at Carrie and she nodded at him.

J-"Its its okay.. I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was telling aunt Carrie..."

H-"its okay."

C-" Now that that's setteled. Brad.. Sandy is coming to dinner so we've got to get ready."

B-"okay what's for dinner?"

J-"Spaghetti!!!!!!! Aunt Carries spaghetti!" He beamed "And I get to help!"

B-"Okay!" I said as I set Huck down. "Boys why don't you go play so I can talk to Aunt Carrie for awhile."

J&H"Okay" then Carrie set Jasper down and the boys ran to the room and shut the door. I looked at Carrie and she was smiling away as she finished putting  groceries away. I want to kiss her right now. But should I tell her. Carrie turned and looked at me. We stared for a few minutes and I could tell she was melting into my eyes. Forget it. I'm kissing her. I walked towards her and grabbed her by her waist to pull her close to me. Then I leaned down and our lips crashed into each other.

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