chapter 37

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1 year later

On August 8th Lydia Lynn Paisley was born after Carrie went through a hard 8 hour labor. Lydia is now starting to grow long gorgeous blonde hair just like Carrie and she has Brads eyes. But from day one Lydia had her daddy wrapped around hernlittle finger. But today is a very important day for Brad and Carrie. Today they are getting married.

Brad-"Did you bring the ring Blake?"

Blake-"Of course I did. You need to calm down man. Everything will be okay."

Brad-"I know... I'm just nervous.. Where's my kids anyways?"

Blake-"Luke and Carter have them."

Brad-"Can you get him to bring my little girl in here?"

Blake-"Yeah I'll be right back." He said leaving the room. After about a minute he returned with her in his arms and Luke, Carter plus the boys trailing behind. "alright.. Here's your little girl" he said handing her to me.

Brad-"Hey baby girl, today is a very special day.. I'm going to marry your mommy.. " I said craddling her and she held onto my finger

Preacher-"Mr Paisley. Where ready she you are."

Brad-"Okay. Let's get this started!"

Carries prov

Miranda-"There ready for you."


Miranda-"Whose walking you down?"

Carrie-"No one.." I said looking down

Miranda-"Then I am. Come on girl. Let's go get him."

Carrie-"Thanks Miranda." I said walking over to her and hugging her. She linked with my arm and we walked out near the door. All my bridesmaids went out and it was our turn.

Miranda-"You ready?"


Miranda-"Alright here we go."

The doors swung open and everyone one turned around. There was a lot of people here too. All of a sudeen I seen him. Mike was here. Standing there. How the hell did he know let alone get in. You know what I don't care. I'm going marry Brad today no matter what because I love him. Then I looked at Brad. He looked a little shocked. I couldn't help but smile at him.

Miranda and I started walking down the aisle. Before I knew it we were at the altar. I hugged Miranda and went to Brad while she went behind me.

Brad-"You look stunning."

Carrie-"and you look very handsome."

Preacher-"Alright now. Let's get started. Everyone please take a seat."

It was about half hour into the ceremony, when it was time to ready our vows. We both read our vows and by the time Brad finished I was in tears.

Preacher-"now does anyone object to this marriage?" He said looking into the audience.

I didn't take my eyes off of Brad. And he didn't take his off of me. I didn't care about anyone else in the room. Just him.

Stephan-"I object."

As soon as I heard his voice, my heart sunk. I turned my head to see my father standing in the aisle.

Stephan-"Carrie Marie Underwood. What are you doing marrying a man that you don't love?"

This really angered me.

Carrie-"Are you serious right now? Now you want to be in my life after you slapped me because I was pregnant with my little girl. After you slapped mom. Why are you even here if your going to tell me not to marry a man that I apparently don't love? Well I do love him with all my heart."

Mike-"No you don't Care. Were meant to be. I love you and you love me."

Carrie-"Oh really? Sense when do you decide who i love? I love Brad and Brad only. You forced me to marry you. And now im marrying the love of my life right now so leave."

Mike-"No. I'm not letting you marry him."

Carrie-"Alright. Enough. Do you remember what happened the last time I saw you? Pretty sure I broke your nose. And I'm about to do it again." I said letting go of brads hands and starting to walk towards him but someone wrapped there arms around me. I knew it was Brad. I tried to squirm away but he held on tighter.

Brad-"Care no. Guys can you..."

Blake-"Already on it. Let's get them guys." He said with Luke, Carter, Keith and Tim following.

Brad still held onto me as we watched them leave. And thank god they didn't have to fight much. Brad turned me around and looked at me.

Brad-"Are you okay?"

Carrie-"Yeah, I'll be better when were married."

Brad-"Then let's get married." He said smiling at me.

We walked back to our spots and looked at the preacher.

Preacher-"Alright now that that's settled. Let's continue. Carrie, do you take Brad Douglas Paisley to be your wedded Husband...."

Carrie-"I do!"

Preacher-"Okay now Brad, do you you take Carrie Marie Underwood to be your wedded wife! To .."

Brad-"I do."

Preacher-"okay. I pronounce you Husband and wife. You now may kiss the bride."

Brad instantly pulled me close to him.

Brad-"I love you."

Carrie-"I love you too."

Brad leaned down and started kissing me. I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. As we were kissing I felt like we were the only two people in the room. No one else. Just us. And I hope it'll be like that forever with you children for the rest of our lives. I will never stop loving him. And I knew in that very moment that he will never stop loving me.

The end.

Authors note.

I would like to thank all of you that have read this. It means a lot to see that you guys liked it and voted for it. Thank you. I'm currently writing a new story called My one and only true love that is another Paisleywood fanfic. I hope y'all like that one too. Thanks again.

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