Chapter 30: the appointment

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Brads prov

I woke up to myself holding Carrie close to me. I looked at the clock On the dresser. It was 6:30 and our appointment was at 8:15.

B-"Carrie. Carrie we need to get up and get ready to leave for the appointment." I said shaking her lightly.



She turned and faced me smiling.

C-"If you kiss me all over I will."


C-"Really." She said putting her arms around my neck and pulling me closer to her stopping only a few centimeters away. "Please." She said smiling. I smiled back and started kissing her on the lips. Then I moved to her neck causing her to moan.  I kissed for for another minute and moved back to her lips. Giving her one more before I got off of her.

B-"Now get dressed. We gotta go."

C-"Fine.." She said getting up.

I put on jeans, a sweatshirt and a cap. Carrie put on sweats and one of my t-shirts. Then put her hair in a bun.



Half hour later we arrived at the hospital. We went to the area we were suppose to be and checked in. They took us back right away and had Carrie change into a hospital gown. The doctor came in and did her thing with the blood. Then she did me.

D-"Alright. Now would you like to see your baby?"

C-"Yes please."

She came over next to me and moved her gown out of the way.

D-"this is only going to be cold for a second." She said pouring it onto her stomach. She took this wand looking thing and started moving it around on Carries stomach until she found the baby's heart beat.

C-"Is that the baby?" She said pointing to the screen at the little figure.

D-"Yes it is." She said taking a picture and printing it out. She whipped it off her stomach and handed the picture to me. That could be my baby. Our baby. I couldn't help but start crying.

C-"Brad don't cry.." She said crying.

D-"I had my closest friend do the testing and she's doing it now. Why don't you two stay here until I get the results. I'll go check now."

B-"Thank you."

D-"My pleasure and Carrie you can change back into your cloths now." She said exiting the room.

Carrie got out of bed and changed back into her cloths. Then she sat at the end of the bed. I sat next to her taking her hand in mind.

C-"Brad.. Promise me you won't leave me.. No matter what the results are." She said looking down trying to hide the tears.

B-"Carrie look at me." I said quietly. She slowly turned and looked at me. "Carrie you are the love of my life. I really don't care if I'm not the father or not. Because I love you. And I will always love you no matter what happens. I will not leave your side." I said looking straight into her eyes with out looking away.

C-"I love you too." She said leaning in and kissing me.

I got up off the bed. Then I laid down on it pulling Carrie towards me. She laid down next to me and put her head on my chest.

4 hours later

We were awoken when the doctor came into the room. We must have dozed off... I looked at the doctors face and she looked sad. She didn't even look me in the eye.. Its not mine. The baby's mikes. Its not mine. Is all I could think of. I should process this now before she tells cares its not mine and that it's Mikes. She's going to be broken. I need to stay strong. I'm still going to raise it as my own. I don't care.

D-"So my friend just finished these. She did it twice to be positive."

C-"So this is it. Were about to find out who the father is."

D-"Do you need a minute?"

C-"I don't know.. I'm really scared to find out who the father is.."

D-"I'm sorry that this is happening right now.."

C-"Its not your fault.. Its my ex's fault. He raped me."

D-"Well let's see who the father is.." She said opening the file. She looked at the information. I was hoping she would smile or something but she didn't. She kept a straight face. Its going to be Mikes... " Are you ready Carrie?"

C-"Yeah. Just rip it off like a bandaid."

D-"So the father is.... Mr Brad Douglas Paisley."


D-"Your the father. Not Mike. We ran it twice to be sure."


I sat there in shock. I really wasn't expecting the baby to be mine.  I got off of the bed  and just stood there. I felt tears start to roll down my cheeks. I'm going to be a father again. Carrie and I are going to have a child together just like I've always wanted. I looked at Carrie and she had her hands covering her face. I went over to her and wrapped my arms around her.

D-"Well congrats to the both of you. Now I have another appointment to get to."

B-"Thank you." I said as she walked out. She just smiled at me and left.

C-"Brad.. Were going to have a child together. This is our baby." She said looking up at me with a huge smile on her face with tears all over. I picked her up an dspun her around. "I love you so much Brad!"

B-"And I love you Carrie!" I said before leaning down and kissing her

Authors note

You guys had no idea how hard it was for me to decide who the father was. So I took two pieces of paper. Wrote Mikes and Brads name down. Crumbled them up and shook them in a jar then threw them across the room. I picked up one and it was Brad so I'm sticking with Brad I do this all the time hope your all liking my story! Please vote and comment! Thanks!

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