chapter 36

207 15 6

Carries prov

So after the concert we all started loading up everything the trucks to leave for the next show. I was in my dressing room putting everything away again when Brad came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.



I turned around to face him while wrapping my arms around his neck.

B-"I'm glad you said yes."

C-"Why wouldn't I?"

B-"I don't know.. I just want you to be mine forever."

C-"Well you don't have to worry because I will be the future Mrs Paisley!" I said looking at him

He just smiled and leaned down to kiss me. When our lips meet I instantly deepened the kiss. Then I remembered that I had to tell him something.

C-"Hey babe" I said pulling away


C-"Do you want to have a girl or a boy?"

B-"Well I wouldn't mind another boy but I really want to have an all american girl like Her mom. What about you?"

C-"Another boy like his father would be nice but I want a girl too.. Do you want to find out?"

B-"If its a boy or a girl?"

C-"Yeah. We could go now or wait till we get to our next stop."

B-"How about tonight? Luke and Carter can come if its okay with you."

C-"Okay. I know where Carter is." I said grabbing his hand and leading the way. I walked out of my dressing room and over to the case where Carter his earlier. And sure enough, he was in there.

Brad-"Carrie I thought you said you knew where Carter was?"

That's when Carter popped out and scared Brad.

Carter-"Boo!" He screamed.

Brad ended up jumping and he kinda screamed like a little girl.

Brad-"Ahhh! Omg Carter! What the hell are you doing in there!"

I couldn't hold it back. I busted out laughing that I fell to the ground because I couldn't control myself. I looked up at Carter and he was dying of laughter too.

Brad-"yeah yeah yeah, laugh all you want. Just watch your back man!" He said laughing a little. He walked over to me and helped me off the ground.

Carrie-"Hey Carter. Come on were going to the hospital."

Carter froze and looked at me. Then he quickly got out and walked over to me.

Carter-"Are you alright?"

Carrie-"Yeah. Were going to find out if the baby is a boy or a girl and we want you and Luke to come."

Carter-"I'd love too. Let me get Luke." He said walking over the the container next to his. He opened it and looked down. "come on Luke. Were going to the hospital."

Luke jumped out of the crate and looked him dead in the eyes.

Luke-"Who's hurt?"

Carter-"No one. Were going with Brad and Carrie to see if its a boy or a girl."

Luke-"Oh okay. Let's roll!"

Carrie-"I swear you to are related."

Carter-"We could only wish but he is my brother no matter what."

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