Chapter 21: school

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Carries prov

We were driving to the boys to school. We came to at a red light. I look out the window and I see this random guy dressed in a costume spinning a sign and dancing. I couldnt help but crack up laughing when he tried to spin on the ground which was a complete failure.

B-"What are you laughing at?"

C-"That guy!" She said laughing

We both look out the window and watch the guy as he runs around in circles like an idiot.

B-"Omg haha that guy is crazy!"

C-"You said it!" They both look at each other and start laughing.

All of a sudden we heard a car horn blaring. It scared all of us.

B-"I'm going I'm going! God!" He said pressing the gas.

When we were rolling again he leaned forward and turned the radio on. It was really quiet until Rascal Flatt's came on with I won't let go. I leaned over and turned it up. I started singing along and so did Blake. Just as the song finished we pulled up to the school. Blake pulled into a parking spot and turned off the truck. I turned and looked at the boys.



We all got out and walked up to the school.  We walked Jasper to his class and he gave me a kiss on the cheek before he went in.

C-"Okay Huck. Where's your class?"

H-"This way! He said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards his class. When we got to his door he slowed down and stopped to wait for Blake. When he caught up we all went in. We were immediately recognized.


I seriously thought that girl was going to faint.

She was jumping up and down screaming.

H-"I'm sorry mommy and Uncle Blake, she really likes you guys."

B-"Its okay Huck." He says walking over to the girl freaking out. "Hi I'm Blake Shelton! Hucks uncle."


B-"What's your name?"


B-"Hi Sarah!"

S-"Omg! He said my name!!!!"

Then I walked over still holding Hucks hand

C-"Hi Sarah! I'm Carrie! Hucks...."

Huck cut me off.

H-"Carrie Underwood is my mom."

That girl just started at us like she was star struck. Then I grabbed a piece of paper that was on a deck next to me. I let go of Hucks hand and went over to the teachers desk. I grabbed a pen and walked back. Then I bent down next to a table and gave her my autograph. Then i handed it to Blake and he did the same. He handed it to Sarah and she burst into tears. I bent down and gave her a hug. When I stood back up she ran to her locker and put it in her bookbag carefully.


I turned around and faced her.


T-"your Carrie Underwood! And your Blake Shelton!"

H-"Carries my mom and Blake's my uncle."

C-"So Huck tells me you needed to talk to Brad? He wasn't able to make it this morning."

T-"Um yeah. Can we go out in the hall please. Huck stay here with your uncle."

H-"Okay! Come on Uncle Blake! I'll show you around!" He said grabbing Blake's hand and pulling him to his locker. I followed the teacher out in the hall.

T-"Hucks not interacting with the kids much at all. I figured he was shy but he isn't. Then I seen him come to school with bruises the week before the Cmas on his arms. I asked him about it and he said his mommy said not to tell. Then I noticed they went away but he seems scared of something. The other day his friend scared him and he took off running across the roo. Screaming and crying."

C-"we found out that Kim was abusing both of the boys.. But I don't know why he's been scared... At home he's always full of energy and talking.."

T-"I don't know.."

C-"Well let me bring him out here and talk to him.." I said walking back into the room. I walked over to Huck and Blake. "Huck.. Can I talk to you?"

H-"Yeah. What's wrong?"

I bent down next to to blake and Huck.

C-"Huck.. What's wrong? Your teacher says you haven't been around the kids as much.. And she says you've bmbeen getting scared a lot lately.. Can you tell me why?"

He looked at me and I could see the tears forming in his eyes.

H-"I'm afraid my old mom is going to come and take me away from you guys. And then she's going to hit me again..."

This brought tears to my eyes. I pulled him into my arms and held him.

C-"We are going to make sure she never touches you or takes you away from us. Okay? I'm going to make of it okay."

I held him for awhile until the first bell rang. I pulled away from him and stood up.

C-"Huck we got to go. Well be here after school okay. I promise. Now how fun today. Okay.. I love you."

H-"Love you too mom." He said sniffling and gave my leg a hug. Then he hugged Blake.

I turned away and walked over to the teacher.

C-"Do you have a piece of paper?"

T-"yeah follow me."

I followed her to her desk and she handed me a piece of paper. I grabbed a pen and wrote down Brads, Miranda's, Blake's and my numbers. Then I handed her the paper.

C-"If you need anything or even if Kim shows up or if you see her near the school, you call Brad and I right away. But if you  You can't get a hold of us then you call Blake or Miranda.. We've got to go now."

T-"I will. Bye."

With that Blake and I walked out.

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