chapter 3: rehearsal part 2

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Brads prov:

I was watching Carrie as she went to put Jasper down but I heard Jasper tell her told hold him. she just started smiling but i couldnt help but smile when she said she wouldn't let go. She has a beautiful smile And she would be a great mom too! What if she had my child? Would the baby look like her? I hope the baby would! Carrie is so gorgeous and I could just see it now.. Us getting married and having a baby together. Wait. What am I doing? I'm married to Kim and she's married to Mike. All of a sudden there was a knock at the door. I walk over and open it. I was not expecting them to be there. I was expecting Nichole or even Rob. But no. It was Kim and Mike. They both reaked of alcohol too. Great. There probably drunk but why are they together? And why are they here? That's when Kim pushed past me with Mike following her. All I could think of is where she was the whole time and why she never called to tell me she was ok.

B-" Kim where the hell have you been? And why are you here if your drunk!"

K-" Immm heere for mmyyy boyssss!"

B-"I'm not letting you take them Kim so just leave. And there my boys too."

K-" theree comin hhomme with me Bradd. Noww givveee mee my son yoouuu bbittch!" She said as she turned towards Carrie.


B-" Carrie come on. There drunk and they need to sober up. Huck grab your stuff and leave the room."

As Carrie tried to walk past Kim and Mike, Mike grabbed her arms.

C-" Mike let go of me right now! You are hurting me!"

K-" You stttupiid bittch! Givvee me my soonn beforre iii slap you!"

B-"Mike, you better let go of her right now. And Kim." I said as I started walking towards them with my fist clenched in my hand. " You have no right to talk to Carrie like. What the hell did she do to you?"

All of a sudden Kim turned around and slapped brad across the face hard. Causing him to stumble backwards and trip over something and fall to the ground.

C-"BRAD!!!! BRAD! are you ok?!?!"

I layed there for a minute and I could here Jasper crying. I put my hand up to my face and I could feel the heat in my cheek where she slapped me.

C-" Mike let go of me right now! Huck! Go get help as fast as you can!!!! And Kim let go of Jaspers arm! Your digging your nails into his skin!!!"

M-" Give her Jasper and then you are coming home with me. NOW!"

I started to get up and I looked at Carries face. She had tears streaming down her face and I knew she was scared.


That's when Carrie pushed Kim away and put Jasper on the ground.

C-" run Jasper! Run!!!!"

Then Jasper turned around and high tailed it out of here shutting the door behind him.

K-"Youuu stuupidd BITCH!!!!! Look what you've done!!!"

Mike raised up his other hand to slap her but by that time I was standing and I lunged at him. It made him fall down on his stomach and I was on his back having him pinned as best as I could. I looked at Carrie and she was in shock of what had just happen and she was about to say something but before she could That's when Kim came over and grabbed Carries hair.

Carries prov

I was in shock of what just happened. One minute brad was on the ground and then another minute Mike was about to slap. Then he was on the ground with Brad holding him down. I was about to run to brad and ask him if he was alright but that's when Kim grabbed my hair and pulled me backwards. She pushed me to the ground hard and started throwing punches at me. That's when I slapped her across the face and pushed her off of me. I rushed to get up but that's when she lunged at me but this time I didn't fall to the ground. She pushed me into the wall and started yanking me in my hair so I grabbed her hair and did the same. Then I felt someone come between us and it was Brad. I let go of her hair and brad untangled my hair from Kim's hand and he pushed her off of me. That's when I seen Mike get up and started walking towards us. "Where is Huck with the help?!?! Its been like 5 minutes already!" I said as I about screamed it. I was so scared but when Mike went to punch Brad in the face I jumped in front of him hopping Mike would stop but he didn't. He hit me so hard that I went flying back into Brad and onto the floor. "CARRIE?!?!" I heard brad say. I just laid there. And i felt more tears that started to stream down my face. That's when a whole bunch of people rushed in the room grabbing Kim and Mike.  "CARRIE?!??!" I heard Brad say again. I didn't move. I didn't want too. I felt really tired all of a sudden so i just closed my eyes and then darkness engulfed me.

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