Chapter 49~Wanda

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The jury had chosen they needed about a day to decide so Riley was escorted back to the Prison. Butt before that she stole a glance and saw everyone Nat, Tony, Bruce, Steve, thor, clint, Peter, nick, bucky, Sam and even Loki. But thor had him held close to him.

She got back to the prison. Jessica came up to her "What happened" she said. "I might be getting out of this hell hole" she said. Jess smiled "If you do, look me up on 3 months that's when I'll be getting out we could hang" she said and riley smiled.

She walked into the same courtroom, a day later, orange jumpsuit still on. The judge looked at the jury and they someone spoke up and said "We have come to a verdict, we find Ms Riley Hill, not guilty". Her head rose. And all the same people as yesterday were still there. "Cleared of all charges" said the judge banging her gravel. The room broke out. She was taken by a officer. She walked out feeling free. She had teared up a bit. She was given a bag of the clothes she had on when she was arrested. She put them on, they were baggy. The prison food wouldn't agree with her so she didn't eat that much. She sighed. And with that walked out of the police station.

Were the others waiting for her. She didn't know, she was walking, looking up at the sky mesmerised when she walked into someone she fell to the floor she stood up and her eyes widened "Wanda" she said. But secounds later, Wanda took her hand and ran her behind a Bush. "Wanda, your here, I can't belive it after the strucker thing I thought you and peitro were dead" riley said.wnadas eyes welled with tears "Peitro didn't live only me, I got out of that place" she said. "You've bearly changed" Riley said. They had known each other when they were younger, Wanda and her brother were known as the enhanced. They were at shield, Riley would talk to them there, they were about the same age.

"You've Changed alot, but I recognise you from your eyes, you never did believe me that they were unique " she said. Riley smiled "Why are we behind a bush". "I don't know" she said and with that they stood up and walked out.

Secounds after she heard people coming running in a way. She turned and saw the whole gang. She sighed "Wanda, your about to meet the Avengers".

Later on, when Nat had insisted that Riley had her ear stiched up and Bruce did it. Riley and Wanda told there story. Wanda was accepted into he avengers and given a room. Riley felt someone rap a arm around her waist, she turned and saw Peter she smiled at him. "I missed you" he whishperd into her ear. "I missed you two" she whispered back. They smiled at eachother, Peter took her hand.

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