Aunt April and Uncle Casey to the Rescue

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A little later, there was a knock at the door.

Ralphy got up while holding Russel in his arms to see who was at the door.

When he opened the door he was relieved to see two people he knew very well.

"Uncle Casey ! Aunt April ! I'm so happy you're here !"

April took Russel from Ralphy and cuddled the small turtle in her arms while Ralphy hugged Casey.

"Happy to be here. Where's mommy or daddy ?"

Casey asked and Ralphy sighed amd steeped back to look at his Aunt and Uncle.

"Sleeping. But I understand. There's a lot of us for only daddy to take care of. Mommy has been sleeping since last night."

Ralphy explained.

"Ok, why don't you go sit down and watch TV with the rest of your sibs Ralphy. Casey will sit with you while I go talk to Mommy and Daddy."

April said and Ralphy nodded and walked away and jumped onto the couch.

Casey joined him and sat between the four kids and watched tv with them.

April walked down the large hallway, with the baby boy still in her arms, and to Raph and Mikey's room.

She knocked on the door and heard a grunting, "come in" and opened the door and walked in and closed it.

April turned and saw Raph faced down on the bed and his arm hanging off the side and Mikey snoring softly on his back.

April walked over and saw Raph's eyes open and him barely alive.

"Yea ?"

Raph asked not moving.

April sat on the floor criss cross to be level with him and cradle Russel in her lap.

"Raph what is going on ?"

April asked looking at the sleepy turtle with soft eyes.

"I was sleeping."

Raph said and wiped the drool off his face and sat up and stretched and looked at her glaring.

"You know that's not what I'm talking about Raphael."

April said and played with Russel while still having a serious converstaion with his father...or at least trying to anyway .

"I'm not talking about them."

Raph said and got up and walked to his large bathroom and turned on the shower.

April followed and sat on the edge of the tub and looked at Raph who was still fully clothed.

"Come on Raphael. It's summer so you can't use the, "kids are in school" thing anymore. They want to see the both of you."

April said and Raph growled lowly.

"That's why we left ! They're assholes !"

Raph went to the door and closed it as Mikey was getting woken up by Raph's yelling.

Raph turned to April and walked back to the shower.

"All they did was judge us ! And now they wanna see us ?! They didn't think about that when they were making fun of us now did they ?!!"

Raph asked, extremely pissed off.

"Raphieeeeee !"

Mikey groaned from the other room and Raph shut off the shower and April caught his attention.

"Raph, when was the last time you showered ?"

April asked and Raph shrugged and went in the bedroom next to where the whiney turtle was laying. April followed and stood in the doorway.

"Yea baby ?"

Raph asked and put a hand on Mikey's growing, and seemingly large, stomach.

"We're hungry."

Mikey said in a quiet voice.

Raph nodded and asked what he wants to eat.

"I want waffles with ketchup and sprinkles, and pickles."

Mikey said and Raph nodded and left to the kitchen. April followed and noticed something off about Raphael. 

As Raph was cooking in the kitchen, April walked over to where Casey was playing with some of the kids.


April asked as she set Russel into the pack and play with Mia as she then turned to Casey.

"Yea April ?"

Casey asked and picked up Maci and Mari and looked at April.

"Raph's acting...strange."

April said.

"How strange ?"

Casey asked and he and April watched Raph for a minute or two before looking back at each other.

"He's...he looks...seems...-"


April was cut off by the word she was looking for.

"Yea. I feel bad. But the only thing that will help him is to get out and be with others his own age instead of a pregnant Mikey 24/7. When Mikey's not like this he's fine. But for now they seriously need to stop having kids."

"Ron stop hitting Maya ! Ross stop kicking Mari !"

Casey laughed with April and they finally realized what they need to do. 

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