Those 3 Words

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Shortly after Mikey left, he tried to shut the world out and be alone and try to compose himself.

Raph felt arms on his shoulder and jumped and cried harder.

"Don't hurt me."

He whimpered, thinking Mikey had come back to hurt him some more.

He retracted his head into his shell in fear.

"Go away."

He whimpered again.

"It's ok brother, I'm here."

Raph heard a soft voice and peered his head out and saw Donatello looking at him, crying himself.

"Donnie ?"

Raph asked and his brother nodded.

"It's ok Raph. He's gone."

Donnie said and hugged his brother tight.

Raph tensed being embraced and Donnie ignored it. Knowing he needed the positive touch right now. Whether he wanted it or not.

Donnie calmed Raph down and eventually he was breathing normally and his crying had stopped.

"I'm sorry."

Raph said and looked away.

"For what Raph ?"

Donnie asked, trying to look him in the eyes.

"Crying like a bitch. And-and-being THIS."

Raph said, jestering to himself.

"I don't understand."

Donnie said, hoping Raph would open up to him.

"I used to be Raphael ! Strong ! Brave ! Protector ! Now I'm...Raphie, the house bitch, who couldn't keep it in his pants. I CAN'T BELIEVE MYSELF ! I LET HIM HIT ME ! I LET-LET HIM ABUSE ME ! I-I- I let him abuse my kids."

Raph said and looked at Donnie, who had sympathetic eyes.

"No Raph. You didn't let him. He did what he wanted and you thought he loved you so you let him. You never fought back. But guess what. You did. Just now. And you won, brother."

Donnie said and Raph smiled weakly and sighed.

"I guess I need some help."

Raph chuckled. And Donnie nodded and sighed as well.

"And Leo and I are here for you. We're going to help you every step of the way Raphael. And so are April and Casey. You'll be fine."

Donnie said and Raph looked down.

"I have sixteen kids Donnie."

Raph said sadly.

"Yea, you do. But they love you. And they need you. So come on."

Donnie helped his brother to his feet and smiled at him.

Raph smiled back and Donnie hugged him again.

Raph hugged back, inhaling the calm scent that was Donatello. The calm turtle. The most levelheaded of them all. The brains.........Leo's mate.

Raph hugged him tighter and Donnie reciprocated it.

"I love you brother."

Donnie said and Raph sniffled.

"I love you too brother."

Raph started to cry and Donnie knew why.

Mikey never said it to him. Donnie didn't know the last time someone told Raphael they loved him.

It had been just close to an hour when Leo padded into the lab and saw the two hugging on the floor and walked over as calm as he could.

Donnie looked up as he heard footsteps and saw him mate and smiled.

"He's asleep."

Donnie said and Leo chuckled lightly.

Raph stirred and put his nose into Donnie's neck and took a deep breath.

Donnie nuzzled him in comfort.

And Leo's heart melted at the show of affection.


Leo said.

Raph's eyes opened and he saw Leo standing above him looking down at them.

Raph's cheeks reddened in embarrassment and he sat up rubbing his face.

Leo helped Raph up and hugged him.

Raph welcomed the touch and embraced him back.

"I love you little brother."

Leo said and Raph almost cried again.

"I love you too Leo."

Raph said and put his nose in Leo's neck and inhaled his big brother's scent as he did Donnie's.

But Leo's came to him differently. Leo's is strong. Confidence. Protective and loving.

Leo let go and Donnie hugged him from behind.

Leo giggled and kissed his neck and nuzzled him.

"I'm gonna umm, go-see if April needs h-help."

Donnie said shyly and ran off.

"That was weird."

Leo said and Raph chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"You really are clueless, ain't ya ?"

Raph asked.

"What ?"

Leo looked at the door his mate had just left.

"You turn him on constantly."

Raph said and Leo's brows knit in confusion.

"But I don't-"

Leo started when Raph interrupted him.

"Leo......go have sex with your boyfriend."

Raph said and Leo blushed and went to say something when Raph interrupted again.

"You're ready."

Raph said and Leo looked at the doors again.

"Geez, I'm getting sex advise from my little brother."

Leo rolled his eyes teasingly.

"Hey, I got sixteen kids. I know a thing or two."

Raph winked and Leo stuck his tongue out in disgust playfully.

"Ooh, gross. Ew Raph."

Leo teased and laughed.

"Go. April, Casey and I will take the kids to the park or something."

Raph said and before Leo could say no, Raph jogged out of the lab.

Leo sighed nervously and frowned.

"I don't know."

Leo said and sighed walking out to see Raph and April loading the babies into their strollers which were carseats and then into one of the vans.

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