At the Bar

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Meanwhile, Casey drove Leo and Raph to the bar around the corner.

They got out and Casey helped Leo and they went in and sat at a hightop right off the bar and Casey helped Leo yet again and Leo pushed him off and frowned.

"I got it Casey !"

Leo said and Raph chuckled.

"You heard him Case, he got it."

Raph said with a smile.

Leo smiled at Casey and then at Raph and the three finally sat down.

One of the waiters came out and stopped immediately once he saw Leo.

"LEO !!"

The guy said and ran over and hugged Leo.

Leo laughed and hugged him back.

"Hey Jake, haven't seen you in a while."

Leo said and Raph was confused. Casey just looked at his menu.

"Leo, man it's been forever ! I haven't seen you since before your last surgery. How are ya doing man ?"

Jake asked and Leo smiled.

"I'm great actually. But that surgery wasn't my last. I had another and got it sewn to my leg this time, a lot more efficient. But anyway, this is my brother Raphael. And you remember Casey."

Leo said and Jake shook Raph's hand and Casey nodded his head up as in to say 'sup'.

"Yea yea Casey my man how you been dude. Haven't seen you around here either. April got ya on a tight leash huh ?!"

Jake laughed with Leo and Raph was just kinda watching.

"Nah man I had to go home. I was just visiting Leo and Don. But I'm back for a bit."

Casey said and Jake looked to Raph.

"Since I know what Casey's getting, how about you my friend ?"

Jake asked and Raph looked at Jake.

"I'll have any type of extra strong beer ya got."

Raph said and Jake looked to Leo.

"And what type of soda for you tonight ?"

Jake asked and Leo sighed.

"I'll have a Coke thank you Jake."

Leo said and Jake walked off to the bartenders.

Then another waiter came round to talk to Leo.

Then another.

Then a waitress.

Then a female bartender.

Raph was starting to get annoyed.

"So you're famous around here huh ?"

Raph asked and gritted his teeth.

"Ya kinda. This used to be where you would find me every night from seven in the afternoon to around three am."

Leo said and smirked at Raph.

"What ? You ? At a bar from dusk to dawn ?"

Raph was truly surprised and took another sip of his beer.

"Yep. But it got too much and...I don't drink anymore. Donnie would flip if he knew I drank one time after I promised not to. But that's a secret so don't tell him."

Leo winked at Raph and Raph rolled his eyes.

"So how are things between you and Mikey ."

Leo asked and Raph just generally got depressed.

His smirk vanished, his shoulders slumped, his body language became less aggressive more passive.

"Great. He thinks he's having a single baby this time so he's happy."

Raph said and Leo got sad as he watched his brother's attitude change dramatically. He looked at Casey to see he's feeling the same as Leo.

"That's good I guess. But I was asking more of, how are YOU in your relationship ?"

Leo asked and Raph looked at Leo with a flash of confusion before going back to his slump.


Raph said and drank the rest of his beer and Leo reached behind him and ordered another beer from his bartender friend.

Leo reached over to Raph and handed him the other beer and took the empty glass from in front of his brother and gave it to the bartender.


Raph said and Leo's non existent eyebrows went up.

The two brothers watched Casey drink half of the glass of his beer and put it down and was starting to feel the buzz after only two glasses.

"Only two and I'm already kinda drunk."

Casey said and chuckled a bit as he stared into his glass.

"How ya doin over there Raph ? That's your fourth. Feelin the buzz yet ?"

Leo asked and saw Raph was looking ready to puke.

"Nah *hic* Im cool tull 'bout *hic* four r five."

Raph said and hiccuped again as he slurred every word.

Leo laughed at his drunk brother and then got serious.

"Raph, who's idea was it to have so many kids ?"

Leo asked and Raph frowned.

"Mikey's. But I'm totally love it. All these kids always crying and begging for things and we can't leave the house and I forgot deodorant this mornig so now I sink. But I love ny kis. Exceckt Ralphy. All that kid soes it prss off Mickey. Stupi shit."

Raph said and Leo's eyes widened as he looked at Casey.

"Raphael. How could you feel that way about your son ?"

Leo asked and stood up.

"All tha lil shit was is a misake. Mikey hates him. I wish I wasn ma son. Mikey hates him. Mikey hates me. Mikey hates me. Mikey hates him. Me. I hate-"

Raph swallowed mid sentence to keep from spewing chunks.

Leo sighed and looked down. Unsure of what to do with all this new information.

"Let's get you a GA drink and get you back buddy."

Casey said and put a hand on Raph's shell.

Raoh nodded and Casey ordered a ginger ale from Leo's female friend from the bar and she handed it to Casey who gave it to Raph.

Raph drank the drink slowly and at eleven thirty when he finished the drink and Leo and Casey could talk for a minute.

Casey helped Raph to the car and into the backseat since he wasn't nauseous anymore just a bit tipsy.

Leo's friend Hailey helped him to the car and into the passenger side.

"Thanks Hailey. Donnie would flip if he knew I was trying to do anything on my own. You know him."

Leo said as Casey got Raphael situated.

"Yea I get it. But he does everything he does out of love because he doesn't want you to get hurt and he definitely didn't want you to do that last surgery. But bottom line. He loves you. Keep him close and never let that turtle go."

Hailey hugged Leo goodbye and Leo smiled and thanked her and they drove off after Casey got in the driver's seat.

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