Hotel Secrets are Meant to Be Shared

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When Leo woke up in the morning, he felt arms around his waist.

He rolled over to face who he thought the arms belonged to only to see his little brother pressed against his shell hugging him close still asleep.

Leo smiled at Raphael sleeping soundly and looked over at Casey and saw him awake and looking at him and Raph smiling.


Leo said not moving, fearing to wake the sleeping turtle against his shell.


Casey answered sitting up and stretching.

"What time is it ?"

Leo asked and Casey grabbed his phone and looked at the lock screen.

"Nine. I'm going down for breakfast. Can I grab you something ?"

Casey asked.

Leo shook his head and shifted his legs and grunted and bit his lips together not to make too much noise.

"You ok ? What happened ?"

Casey asked and walked over to Leo.

"No-yea I'm fine. I don't have my medication for my leg and it hurts after the stunt I pulled yesterday."

Leo said and Casey looked sympathetically at his friend.

"Oh ! I just remembered I have pain meds in my bag ! You want some ?"

Casey asked and Leo nodded confusedly and Casey came back and handed Leo a blue pill and Leo swallowed it dry.

"Hit me again."

Leo said with a pained look on his face and Casey sighed and did as told.

"Listen, don't die. I don't know how many you can't take safely and I come back to Donnie with you dead he'll skin me alive."

Casey said and Leo half laughed at the comment and closed his eyes waiting for the medicine to kick in.

Casey put on pants and went downstairs to the lobby for breakfast.

Twenty minutes later Casey came back and Leo was watching tv and in the same position as before but looked comfortable this time.


Casey said and put a granola bar on Raph's nightstand and a glass of oj and a pancake and walked over to his bed and sat down still eating a pancake in his hand.

"I got you a water Leo. I know you said you didn't want anything but I had to get you something."

Casey said and placed a bottle of water on Leo's nightstand.

"Thanks Case. But I'm ok really."

Leo said and went back to watching tv.

A while later, Casey got in the shower.

When Casey got out of the shower, Casey saw Raph and Leo had only barely moved from their position.

Raph still had his arm over Leo but he now had his forehead pressed against Leo's shoulder.

"What time is it now ?"

Leo asked Casey and he had to go look at the clock on the wall.

"Almost two in the afternoon. I should call April."

Casey said and stepped outside.

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