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At the Lair.......

Donnie and Leo were laying in bed, Leo fast asleep and Donnie hugging his mate into his chest.

Leo on top of Donnie and Donnie kissing his neck as he slept to gently wake him.

"Come on baby, Raph needs us."

Donnie said and Leo rolled off his boyfriend and onto the bed and almost off the bed if Donnie hadn't caught him mid-roll.


Leo slurred as he then sat up and kissed Donnie and stood, stretching then putting on clothes.

Donnie yawned and got up too.

Once they were both dressed, Donnie heard his phone ring.

"Ugh, I told Casey we were on our way ! Whaaat ?!"

Donnie answered his phone thinking it was Casey being annoying.

"Is this the parent or guardian of Lori and Dominic Hamato ?"

A lady's voice came through the phone and Donnie's face paled and he froze.

"Uh, Yes. Yes. Who is this ? Are they ok ?"

Donnie was flustered as he tried to answer the lady.

"This is the Mall Security. Lori is fine, but your son, Dominic and his friend need to be picked up from this property immediately."

Donnie's eyes widened as Leo then came over hearing the stress his mate was in.

"What ?!? I'm on my way. You tell them that their father and dad are coming to get them."

Donnie said sternly, putting on his parent voice to seem calm.

"Yes sir. See you soon."

The lady answered and hung up.

"I don't know who to get to first. Casey said Raph is crying in a parking lot but then we have to get to our kids ! And I - I don't -"

Donnie started to hyperventilate. Leo was hugging him and took a deep breath.

"This is what we're gonna do."

Leo said and grabbed Donnie's face and looked him in the eyes.

"We're going to go get our kids, then get to Raph. And we're gonna do it together. Because that's how we'll get it done quickly. Together."

Leo said and Donnie nodded and got dressed and the two went to their (2021 Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid) minivan they bought a while ago, but don't usually use, and drove to the mall hoping it would fit everyone.

They got to the mall and saw Allison and Alyssa outside on a bench. They sat near a door that said 'Security'.

Donnie and Leo raced up and hugged the girls tight.

"Oh my gosh ! What happened !? Are you ok ?!?"

Leo asked, gushing over them making sure they're ok.

The girls nodded and looked at Leo smiling.

"They got into a fight with the guy in the parking lot."

Alyssa said and Allison nodded.

"He was hurting another girl and stealing her stuff and her car !"

Allison continues.

"But Dominic and Lori stopped the man. And the security lady doesn't understand. They just saw Lori and Dominic fighting the guy."

Alyssa said and they looked inside to see Cody talking to the lady at the desk inside.

"Stay here."

Donnie said to the girls.

They nodded and Donnie and Leo went inside.


Leo started but Cody whipped around to see the turtles.

"Ohmygoshyouguysarehere FINALLY Idon'tKnowWhatToDo-I-They-SaidTheyWereCallingYouAndAndAnd They'reInThereNow."

Cody started breathing heavy and quickly and Donnie patted his shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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