Road Trip ? Where to ?

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The next day came and April and Casey were at home with their kids.

"This is the right thing right Casey ?"

April asked as she got into a van they rented and there was another one in front of her.

"Yea, course. Raph needs this and it will be good for Mikey and the kids too. They don't know what's going on there so-yea."

Casey said and April smiles and nods.

Casey got into the van in front of April's and they drove off.

April and Casey's kids rode with Casey.

They were almost to Raph and Mikey's house when the kids started bickering, annoying the shit out of their dad.

"Alyssa stop fighting with Cody ! Cory take those headphones out of your ears ! Aleah don't hit Allison ! Camien give Ally her doll back !"

Casey pulled into the driveway and got him and the kids out and they went to the door.

April knocked and Mari opened the door crying.

"Mari ! What's wrong baby girl ?"

April asked and picked up the turtle tot and hugged her.

"Ralphy called me a twerp."

Mari said and cried some more.

The Jones walked into the living room to see it utter chaos and the quads in the kitchen trying to get to use the stove.

Casey ran into the kitchen and got all the quads out of the kitchen and then turned the stove off and turned to look at the four turtles.

"What were you doing ?! You could have hurt yourselves !"

Casey said and Ralphy held his arm behind his shell.

"Ralphy ?"

Casey asked in a worried way.

"What ?"

Ralphy asked.

"Are you hurt ?"

Casey asked and Ralphy shoot his head no while Randy and Ricky turned him around for Casey to see a large purple and red burn run up Ralphy's arm from his wrist to his elbow.

"Oh my god !!! Ralphy !!! Does it hurt ?"

Casey asked and rushed right to him and examined it a bit.

Ralphy shook his head and Ricky nodded.

"He was crying."

Randy said and looked at his brother with the burn.

"Randy !"

Ralphy yelled and held his arm closer to his body out of Casey's hands and took a step back.

"Come on Ralphy, let's get you cleaned up."

Casey sighed and took Ralphy to the bathroom and told the other three quads to help April.

Casey went into one of the kids bathrooms and got out some burn ointment and rubbed a generous amount on it and wrapped it up in gauze so he doesn't bump it or one of his siblings bumps him.

"Ok, all better. Now come on let's-"

Casey was cut off by Ralphy giving him a tight hug.

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