Time to End This Shit

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When they got there, April and Mikey were in the living room sitting on the couch each holding a baby. Donnie was pacing, while holding Ralphy in his arms who was soundly sleeping.

Leo smiled wide and ran to Donnie and kissed him and nuzzled their beaks and softly churred to him.

Casey jumped over to April and kissed her and hugged her best he could while she fed the baby turtle in her arms.

"Donnie, dojo, now. Please."

Leo said and Donnie nodded and went to his and Leo's room and placed Ralphy on the bed and explained he'd be right back.

"Come on. Leo's got a plan."

Casey said to April.

April stood and took the baby with her as the two walked to the dojo while Leo glared daggers at the back of Mikey's head.

Raph was being scolded quietly by Mikey.

Leo didn't want things to get out of hand between the two so he told Raph to go to the dojo and since Raph was now under the control of his overbearing mate, he did what he was told.

Once Leo follwed Raph into the dojo, he closed the doors and made sure they were far enough from them not to be heard by Mikey who was most likely listening in on the converstaion he wasn't a part of.

Once Donnie walked in Leo practicality jumped him and hugged him tight, just wanting to be held and comforted for a small moment.

Once they kissed one more time, Leo stood in front of his mate facing Raphael. April and Casey were standing behind him facing Raphael as well.

Leo explained everything he and Casey had learned that night about their brother and friend and Donnie and April's eyes widened at each piece of new information. Each worse than the last.

"Raph doesn't see the problem."

Leo said his last point and waited for someone else to say something.

"There is no problem !"

Raph shouted and took a shakey breath and turned away from the two looks from his two brothers.

"Raph, you know there is. But, I don't see how you love him still."

Leo said and Donnie looked at Casey and April who were listening for the moment.

"I do love him !"

Raph said sternly and Donnie didn't like how aggressive Raph was looking.

"Why don't you have a drink and take a deep breath Raph ?"

April suggested and noticed Raph's short heavy breathes as his fists clenched at his sides.


Raph said and closed his eyes and Casey ran out of the room and came back with a cup of water and gave it to Raph.

When Casey went to hand it to him, he noticed Raph's hands shaking and helped him drink the water so he didn't accidentally spill it.

"T-thank you."

Raph said only so Casey could hear.

Casey nodded and put the cup to the side and walked back over to Raph and Leo.

April came up behind Donnie with Mia in her arms.

Raph looked at his youngest child then thought of Mikey and how they have more kids on the way.

"Raph, I...I have to say I find it difficult..to believe-that you..like..being with him when he's nothing but mean, nasty, downright cruel to-"

Donnie said and his "question" didn't last as long as he had words for.


Raph put his hands on his head and started panting again. Then, no matter how much Raph tried not to show it, he started crying.

April handed Mia to Leo and walked slowly over to Raph and hugged him.

He gently brushed her off and sat on the floor with a thud and cried into his hands.

Donnie looked sympathetically to his older brother and when he did, all he could see was Derek when he had a tantrum and cried like Raph was at the moment.

He walked over to him and sat next to the crying turtle and gently hugged him and Raph sobbed and jumped on Donnie and hugged him tight.

Leo smiled at his boyfriend and brother bonding like he and Raph had last night.

Casey got down and hugged Raph next to April who was also hugging him.

"You can stay here until you get back on your feet."

Leo said and everyone sat up and let Raph breathe and they wanted to see his reaction.

Raph just nodded not looking up.

Donnie lifted Raph's chin to look him in the eyes and saw the emerald green eyes that once held a firey passion now held a mix of emotions.

Donnie nuzzled Raph's beak with his own like Leo had done and Raph slightly smiled as he nuzzled back.

Donnie softly churred to him and Raph answered with a deeper one that wasn't as long.

"What ab-about my ki*sigh*kids ?"

Raph asked and Leo and Donnie looked at each other.

"I think-"

Leo's train of thought was cut off by Derek running through the door looking scared.

Derek ran to Donnie and hugged him and cried.

Then ten seconds later Lily ran in and over to Leo crying.

Leo got down and sat on the ground and let his daughter sit in his lap next to Mia and he hugged her.

"What happened ? Tell mommy what happened."

Leo said and Lily looked up at him.

"He hit him !"

Lily sobbed and hugged her mommy tighter.

They all looked to Leo who looked ready to explode.

"Lily go see uncle Casey. I'll be right back."

Leo tried to reach something to help himself up but couldn't.

Donnie got up with Derek in his arm and helped Leo up.

"Why don't you two go stay with Ralphy in mommy and daddy's room. We'll get you in a minute."

Donnie said.

The twins nodded and went to the bedroom and closed the door.

Leo handed Mia to Raph and made sure he had her before he and Donnie marched out into the living room.

When they did, they wished they could un-see what was happening. 

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