🦸🏻‍♂️{35 Part 2}🦸🏻‍♂️

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Ricky's POV-
I can't just sit here and let them fight alone! I have powers so I should put them to use.
I get up from my spot in the alley way and walk to where all the commotion is. Wait I can't just go there without covering my face!
I walk in a store that was completely destroyed. I look around lifting up stuff until I find a ski mask still in the bag. Is this considered stealing? Nobody's here anyways so I guess it's ok. I quickly take it out and put it on, adjusting it until it feels right.
All right let's do this. I run to the others, faster then I normally would.
"What the hell are you doing here?!" Ej yells throwing a giant ant.
"I-I'm here to help." I say.
"Not to be rude or anything..." Kendall says throwing a crystal spear and a wasp. "But you can't even control your powers so maybe sit this one out."
"Ricky please just stay out of-"
I put my hand out webs shooting out my fingers. The webs grasp on to the spider coming towards us and I swing it behind me. When it hits the ground it explodes and I smile at Ej.
"Still want me to sit out?" I ask with a smirk.
He rolls his eyes playfully shoving my shoulder. "Yes I do because I don't want you getting hurt."
I pout but I don't listen to Ej I'm going to stand here until he lets me help.
"You look cute in that mask by the way!" He say and I blush.
I really hate him sometimes.
"Honestly guys stop flirting and help us! You guys can make out afterwards!" Gina yells.
"Fine whatever you can help but try not to die."
I nod my head saluting him and he rolls his eyes at me.
Ej's POV-
Everyone and everything was wild. Ricky was getting better at using his powers but I still feared something bad would happen. Everyone was off doing their own thing but I guess that would get the job done faster.
Now all we need to go do is find the two behind this.
"Wow good job guys, you killed all my army but you still have to get through me!" Red Beetle...or Tod said.
"We can take you down old man. It's you two against us 8!" Zoe says.
He laughs before throwing laser balls towards us. We all duck for cover, since when can he do that! Once he stops we all get out and start to fight.
Time pass, probably a good 30 minutes and we haven't gotten anywhere.
"I could easily wipe you guys out but it's more fun to see you struggle." Tod laughs.
Lynn shoots webs and eventually hits Ricky knocking him to the ground. His mask is now half way off and Lynn grins evilly.
"You really thought you could hide from me Ricky?" She says crawling closer to him.
He shoots a web at her face which makes her more angry and she jumps at him.
I use my telekinesis and stop her before she could hurt Ricky.
"Don't throw her!" Ricky yells putting his hand out. "The baby."
I respect his wishes and just keep her in the air, but all my focus is on her and not the rest of them.
"Hey dumbos! How about you work together to defeat them instead of doing your own thing?! You're a team right? So start acting like one!" Ashlyn yells through the earpiece.
She's right we have to work together in order to stop them. I can't do anything since I'm busy with Lynn so it's up to everyone else.
I tap on my earpiece so I can communicate with everyone.
"Kendall multiple yourself to catch him off guard. Gina make him dizzy using your speed, make sure he can't see straight." I say and they do.
"What?! What's going on?! Stop this at once!" Tod says losing balance. It's working!
"Kendall use your skin armor and Roslyn shine your light on her skin, and make sure it bounces off into his eyes."
Once that's done he yells falling to the ground. I don't even need to tell Brook what to do, she focuses on him and soon enough he screams in pain holding his ears
(if you forgot Brook is basically squishing his brain that's her power from the beginning of the story)
Zoe ties him up with a tight vine and Zane tops everything off by freezing his body in a tight pack of ice.
"Wait!" Ricky says running up to Tod.
He puts his arm out and shoots a web in his face. He smirks and sticks his tongue out like a child. I can't believe I've fallen for this kid.
The police come shortly after and take Tod and Lynn to jail. I know Ricky would be happy to see Tod behind bars but it might be a little harder to see your mother like that.
"And once again the city is saved by our three superheroes and some new faces!" A news lady pops up out of no where.
"Where did she come from?" I whisper to Gina.
She shrugs her shoulders having the same question.
"Hi mom!" Roslyn smiles waving to the camera.
I roll my eyes at the hyper girl turning to Ricky.
"So... are you still up for that talk?" I ask.
"Yeah, of course." Ricky says. "But maybe somewhere private."
I nod my head teleporting us to the first place I though of.
"Really? Out of all places, the beach?" Ricky complains.
"But it's Hawaii." I pout and he smirks.
"You're lucky your cute when you pout." He says which catches me completely off guard.
We sit down on the sand looking at the sunset. Reminds me of the last time we were here.
"So, I...uh..I really like you Ricky, like so much. I want to be with you and I know I messed up, I messed up so bad because I do stupid things when I'm crazy over someone."
I grab his hands and bring him as close to me so he's sitting on my lap.
"I know it will probably take time for you to forgive me. But I don't care how long it takes I'll wait as long as it takes."
He smiles at me wrapping his arms around my neck.
"You really hurt me Ej, I thought that I hated you." He says and my heart hurts a little bit. "But, I remembered that I could never hate you because I'm crazy about you too."
I smile at him bringing his face closer to mine.
"Ok, your crazy over me, I'm crazy over you, so does that mean you wouldn't hate the idea of being my boyfriend?"
The curly head boy looks away as if he's thinking. "Well, I guess it's kind of a bad idea..." He says and I roll my eyes at him.
"I'm joking, I would love to be your boyfriend Ej. I've wanted you for so many years."
There was a peaceful silence between us. We were looking into each others eyes and I lean in, hopefully nothing stops us this time. Thankfully no one did and he met me in the middle connecting our lips. His hands run through my hair while mine were on his back.
When we backed up we were both out of breath smiling like dorks.
"Finally you guys got together! It was killing me watching you two flirt all the time." I hear Ashlyn say.
"Ash! We're you listening the whole time." I scream at my cousin through the earpiece and Ricky giggles.
"W-what..uh, no-sorry...your-beep, cutting-beep-" I turn off my earpiece looking back at my new boyfriend.
"Well now that we're boyfriends, that means we can kiss whenever we want right?" Ricky ask me.
"Yeah obviously." I laugh but was cut off by Ricky grabbing my face and connecting out lips a second time.
"You know I always wonder why the superhero version of you was so much like the non superhero you. Turns out it was you the whole time
under the mask."

And thats the last chapter of Under the Mask!! Sorry about the battle in this chapter, I know it wasn't exciting but I hope you guys still enjoyed. Thank you guys so much for all the love and support you guys showed me throughout this whole process. Like I never thought I would be able to get 3k reads but y'all made it happen so thank you!! If y'all want to know what happens in the future the bonus chapter will be up later on today with a surprise!!!


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