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Ricky's POV-
I've been up in my room since Friday night. It's now Saturday almost 12 pm. I had no motivation to move after the text EJ sent me on Friday. I just wanted to FaceTime him because my mom and dad were fighting over the phone.
She wants me to come visit her in Chicago for a week before school starts. I told her I don't want to leave dad and my friends and she started yelling me, which resulted in me crying and my parents fighting.
I texted EJ because he always knows how to comfort me and make me forget about my family problems.
I grab my phone off the nightstand and check my messages to see if he texted me.
Just the same text left there from Friday night.

Just the same text left there from Friday night

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He probably didn't even read them

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He probably didn't even read them. Why am I so annoying to people? Why do I need to be so clingy.
I feel my eyes starting to water and I quickly wipe them away.
I shouldn't be crying I knew this was going to happen.
I hear a knock on my door and I groan.
"Ugh! Dad leave me alone." I say stuffing my face in my pillow.
My dad opens the door arms crossed, he looked mad.
"Get up Ricky you've been in this room for too long."
He pulls my blanket and pillow away from me and I go into fetus position He notices my puffy eyes and puts my blanket in the corner and sits in my bed.
"Hey what's wrong?" He ask stroking my hair.
"Am too clingy or annoying?" I say trying not to burst into tears.
"What?! No bud, you're not annoying or clingy. But when you were little you always needed to be touching your mother or me."
"Gee thanks dad, now I know I was always a pain in the ass."
"No you're not a pain in the ass, we loved it so much."
I smile a little before sitting up.
"How about we go out to get lunch somewhere. Get you out the house and take in some fresh air." He says breathing in.
"You also need a shower Rick. Go take one now so we can leave." He gets up and walks out the door.
I lay in my bed for a minute then get up walking to the bathroom. I take off my shirt getting a whiff of my armpit. I really do need a shower.
When I'm out the shower and changed I go downstairs hearing my dad on the phone.
"No Lynn he already told you he doesn't want to fly all the way to Chicago. What? No I didn't tell him to say! What do you mean, there's no need to get the court into this! I-"
He stops talking when he sees me.
"Shit! Lynn I have to go. No me and Ricky are going somewhere. You don't need to know Lynn, he's my son too! You know what, we'll continue this later."
He hangs up and turns to me giving me an apologetic look.
"Sorry bud I-"
"Why did mom mention court?" I ask.
She better not try to get full custody of me because there's no way I'll be going all the way to Chicago.
"Oh, that doesn't matter, just uh paper work."
"It's because I don't want to visit her, isn't it?"
He doesn't say anything which gives me my answer. Why does she have to make everything so difficult.
"I'll call her later, let's just go I'm starving."
"Well that's what you get for not getting out your room."
I roll my eyes at him and laugh. We get in the car and drive.
"Where are we going dad?" I ask looking out the window.
"Your favorite."
"McDonald's?!" I say excitedly.
We pull up at the restaurant and walk inside. I haven't had McDonald's in a while so I'm very happy.
"No babe that's disgusting!" I hear a familiar adorable laugh.
Oh no. Out of all the places he could go to eat he chose here?! At the same time I decided come here. I look to my left to see EJ and Nini eating and laughing. I put the hood of my sweater over my head keeping my head low.
"You ok Rick?" My dad says loudly
"Yup! Yup totally fine."
My dad smirks at me laughing.
"Is there someone here that you know?"
Before he could say anything else the cashier calls us and we order our food. When we get it I rush out the door waiting at the car. My dad decides to take his sweet time thinking it's funny.
"Dad please hurry!"
"Oh wait I forgot napkins I'll be right back."
Why won't he just hurry up. I can't have EJ see me he's already mad at me for annoying him on his date.
My dad walks out but stops to hold the door for someone. My eyes widen and I run to hide in the other side of the car. EJ was behind my dad holding Nini's hand. I hear the door to the car unlock and I run back to the other side hoping in the car.
I can see EJ walking towards the car and I have a full on panic attack. Why is he coming here? Did my dad say something to him? But of course my dad had to park his car right next to EJ's. I duck my head trying to stay still.
"Ricky what-"
"Drive! Drive right now dad!"
He looks up pointing out the window.
"Is it that girl in the car next to us!" I look up and see EJ backing up and driving away. When the coast is clear I sit up and take my hoodie off.
"Oh it definitely was that girl who you were trying to hide from, but that's not the same girl from the restaurant we went to awhile back. Do you know them?"
"Yeah they go to my school." I say plainly.
"Well that's good! Gives you a chance to ask them out."
I roll my eyes, why does he think I'm interested in girls? Well I don't blame him, I'm not out to him yet and it's just a normal thing in society to assume a guy likes a girl.
"No thanks I'm good."
I hits my shoulder lightly, "Come on Rick, you could get any girl you want with a face like that, you can thank me for that." He says laughing.
I let out a frustrating groan.
"Ugh! Dad stop I'm not interested in girls."
He looks at me with wide eyes and i quickly cover my mouth. Great, now I accidentally came out to my dad.
"Wait, you like-"
"No! No I didn't mean it like that, I just, umm, I"
He grabs my hands making me look up at him. I'm surprised when I see a smile on his face instead of a disgusted or hurt look.
"Ricky, do you like boys?"
I nod my head bursting into tears. "I'm sorry dad! I tried to make it go away but I can't help it! I'm so sorry I-"
I'm cut off by my dad leaning over and hugging me. I hug him back and cry into his arms.
"Don't you ever be sorry for something like that, do you hear me? I know that you can't help who you like and that's ok! I still love you and you're still my little boy! And I'm sorry you felt like you couldn't tell me." He says whipping my eyes and kissing my cheek.
"I love you buddy."
"I love you too dad." I say smiling.
Alright let's finish eating and then we can head home to watch some movies."
The rest of the day was really great. Dad and I watched all the back to the future movies while we ate a bunch of popcorn and then we made brownies. He then figured out that I liked EJ and he told me to tell him about him.
I told everything I liked about him, to the part where he has a girlfriend and the reason I stayed in my room since Friday night. Dad was really understanding and listened to me the whole time.
I'm really glad that I accidentally came out to him, he was super supportive. Now all that's left is to tell mom. I hope she'll be the same.

Hey y'all how are you guys? I hope you're staying safe and healthy.
Something that's really important, Josh's 20th birthday is coming up (Tuesday December 22) and we are trying to do something for him. We're going to type out letters wishing him a happy birthday and whatever else we want to say to him. So if you want to participate just type a short letter(not too long) and send it to @hsmtmts_obsession on Instagram. This needs to be done by this Saturday (Saturday December 19, 2020 12:00 pm eastern time/9:00 am pacific time)
Also Liv's birthday is February 20th and we're trying to do something that's really crazy. We're trying to get her idol, Taylor Swift to say happy birthday to Liv on the day. Yes we know it's crazy but there can be a small chance she could see all our messages and do it. So if you want to just try to dm Taylor Swift and tell her I already did mine and just imagine how happy Olivia would be.
Any ways next chapter coming out on Friday 12-18-20 don't forget to vote!

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