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Ashlyn POV-
- 2 Days later-
We've been in France for 2 days now and let me tell you, it's amazing.
The food is delicious, the music is amazing, but at night it's beautiful when everything is lit up.
We're going out for dinner tonight at a restaurant that I don't know how to pronounce.
EJ's been on FaceTime with Ricky for... I don't know how long. Paris is 8 hours ahead of Salt Lake.
It's 8:25 pm here so it's 12:25 pm back home.
"Curls! You're not talking to me." My cousin whines.
"Sorry EJ!" He says dragging the 'e'. "I'm trying to finish my summer work that I forgot was in my backpack."
My cousin whines even more begging for Ricky's attention. These two are so weird.
"Guys come on we're leaving!" My mom says.
"Alright Edward Jones say bye to lover boy so we can go." I say.
EJ turns around from his bed to look at me with widening eyes.
"Ash! Why would you-"
"Hold on! Your real name is Edward Jones!" Ricky says before hysterically laughing.
"Ok Richard it's not that funny."
He immediately stopped laughing.
"Ok, ok I'm sorry for laughing, but you promised you wouldn't say my real name" Ricky says with a frown.
"Well if you don't say my real name I won't say yours."
He rolls his eyes smiling. His dad calls his name making him whine.
"I have to go Edward, I'll text you later."
They say goodbye hanging up the phone.
"Alright I'm gonna get changed." He says.
I see him reaching under the bed and going to the bathroom with a bag.
We just finished eating dinner at the fancy restaurant that I still can not pronounce, which I must say was very delicious. We are now walking to the Eiffel Towel and everything is so beautiful at night and bright.

"Look at the tower!" I say pointing up at the lit up Eiffel Tower.

"It's so cool, let's take a picture!" EJ says.

We get behind EJ as he extends his arm taking a couple pictures. We look at them then continue walking.
(Ok so for this part I'll be saying some words in french. I'm taking French for school but I'm not good yet so I'm using google translation.)
"larrêter laisser aller!" A women yells.

I don't understand what she said but it sounded like she was in trouble. My dad understands some French because he took it in college. So I wasn't surprised when he started looking around worriedly.

"She sounds like she's in trouble." I say.

My uncle nods. "She said stop it, let go."

EJ walks ahead of us to follow the sound.

"EJ come back here!" My mom says.

He turns into an alley way and we run to catch up with him. We see a lady and a guy tugging on a purse. He pushes her into a wall and she falls to the ground as he runs off. I turn to look at EJ and see he's taking off his clothes.

He put his suit under his regular clothes. Smart.

"EJ! I thought I told you to get rid of that!"

"No, you told me to take it off when I had it on." He said putting on his mask. "I'll be back."

He goes to the women helping her up. He then teleports and we run to the top of the alleyway and look around for him.

"There he is." I say pointing across the street seeing my cousin in front of the man.



I stand in front of the thief who looks at me confused.

"Que se passe-t-il?Qui êtes vous?" (what's going on? who are you?")

"Ok, I have no idea what you just said, but I'm going to need that purse." I say pointing to the purse in his hand.

He looks down realizing I'm asking for the purse and tries to get around me. I step to the side blocking him and he goes in for a punch but I teleport behind him. He looks around for me until I tap his shoulder making him jump and face me. By now a bunch of people have stopped to watch, some even recording. He tries running but I use my mind making him stop I lift him up turning upside down. He starts to freak out yelling something I couldn't understand and people started to laugh.
Ok I know this is too much but it's really funny.
I go up to him snatching the purse from his hand.
"merci." I say.
I only know three words in French, hello,thanks and yes. Nothing special, just the basics.
The women comes running across the street my uncle, aunt and cousin following behind.
"merci beaucoup monsieur....super-héros."(thank you very much mister... super hero) she says kissing my cheeks.
All I heard was thank you so I nod my telling her no problem.
"You did good kiddo." Uncle Dennis says.
A bunch of people come up to me with their phones.
"Photos?" They all say crowding around me.
They want to take pictures with me? Is this what famous people feel like, because I'm loving this!
I take pictures with people just doing a simple peace sign and smiling.
I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see two police officers.
"pouvez-vous le faire tomber?" (can you take him down?) one of them ask pointing to the guy still in the air.
I guess they want me to take him down so I tilt my head down and he falls to the ground. The officers quickly go to him putting handcuffs on him and taking him away.
"We have to go." My uncle whispers to me.
"You go ahead don't want them to suspect anything if I leave with you guys."
They nod their head and head off. I take some more pictures with people and soon tell them I have to go. I wave to them before teleporting away. I decided to go inside the Eiffel Tower even though I didn't pay. I teleport to the very top looking at the view. I decided to send a picture to Ricky. As usual he responds right away saying how lucky I was. He told me that he's never been outside of Utah, which is crazy! I tell him one day we can travel the world together and he liked that idea a lot . We soon text our goodbyes and I soak in everything around me before I teleport back to the hotel. When I get there it's empty and quite. I decide to take a shower and wait until they come back.
-15 minutes later-
I get out the shower changing into some shorts. I turn on the tv passing through channels until I see the news.
I put the subtitles on and smile as I read. It's talking about me! I then see a video someone took of what happened earlier. They then go to talk about how I was spotted in Utah with another superhero, they then show a video of me and Brook dealing with the other guys from last month.
I send a text to Brook thinking she doesn't know but she tells me that we're on the news in Utah too.
I hear the door unlock and my uncle and aunt walk in.
"Oh my gosh EJ, you're on the French news!" Ashlyn says excitedly.
"Yup and back at home Brook said we were on the news too."
"Ok kid so I was thinking, when we get back home I'll create some earpieces for you and Brook so I can communicate with you guys from the lab and I don't have to go with you guys when your out."
"That's a great idea." I say smiling.
My eyes go over to my aunt who's looking at us with a frown.
"Aunt Debby, I know you're not a fan of this whole, superhero thing I'm doing, but I really like helping people and using my power for good."
She nods her head walking towards me.
"I know sweetheart, I know you love to help people and I'm glad you are. I just don't want you to get hurt or...loose you." She says tears in my eyes.
"You won't loose me, I promise."
I say getting up to hug her.
"I love you." I say.
"I love you too." She says squeezing me.
I pull away from the hug, all of us sitting on the bed.
"So does this mean you're ok with EJ being a superhero?" Uncle Dennis ask.
My mom roll her eyes at her husband.
"Yes I guess, just no dangerous stuff."
Me and Uncle Dennis start to cheer while Ashlyn and Aunt Debby look at us laughing.

Hey y'all! So that happened and now EJ is known around in France. Should I make other chapters with EJ being a hero in other places. Comment what places you would want and make sure to vote.
RJ- rjstannie

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