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Ashlyn and I just finished singing "It's Gonna Be Me" by NSYNC as we pull into the parking lot of the restaurant.

"Alright let's go eat." I say

"Race you to the door."Ashlyn says

"Ok on the count of three."

"One" we say at the same time.

"If one of you guys hurt yourself we're not going back home." Aunt Debby laughs.

"Oh look at cat." Ashlyn says.

"Where!" I say excitedly.

"Two, three!"

"I don't see the cat." I say with a frown on my face.

"She tricked you genius." Uncle Dennis says.

I gasp. " Ashlyn! you little sh-"

"Don't finish that sentence E.J."

"Sorry" I quickly say before I run off after my cheating cousin.

Even though she cheated I still beat her to the front doors, which she was not happy about.

"That's not fair how did you beat me I was far ahead of you." She says out of breath.

"I don't know you're probably just slow" I tease.

I'm a little surprised myself that I caught up to her. She was definitely going to win, but I guess I'm just faster.

"Why are you not out of breath, you were like a freaking cheetah."

"I... actually don't know."

"You have super powers dude that's the only possible way."

"Who has powers." My uncle ask.

"E.J. he beat me to the door but I was supposed to win dad. And look at him, he's not even out of breath!"

"You know Ash, she can be a little crazy sometimes." I laugh.

"Yeah. But maybe she's right you could have super powers " He says laughing

"E.J. would make a terrible super hero." Ashlyn jokes

"No I wouldn't"

"Yeah, you definitely would."

"Alright come on let's go inside I want to eat." My aunt says.

We walk inside and Uncle Dennis orders us a table.

A guy brings us to our table and we sit down.

"What are you two getting." My aunt ask.

"I don't know, what are you getting E.J." Ashlyn ask.

As I'm about to answer I hear someone say my name but it's no one at the table.

That's weird.

"Uhh... I'll get the spaghetti and meatballs." I say looking around.

"You ok E.J.?" Uncle Dennis ask.

"Yeah all good just thought I heard something."

"Ok, anyways let's talk about what we're going to do this summer." Ashlyn says.

Every summer we go on family vacations which are really cool. We've been to, Florida, Alaska, California, Hawaii and Canada so far.

"Oh yes ! We were thinking this year we could go somewhere a bit farther than we usually go." Uncle Dennis says.

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