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Nini's POV-
I stare at the clock waiting for it to hit 12 o'clock. Today's a half day and we're all going to the mall after school.  Only 10 minutes left, then we can leave.
I look over to the desk next to me, smiling as I see Gina try to stay awake. She so adorable, her head resting on her hand, eyes closing but then fluttering open when the teacher speaks up.
The whole class gets up quickly emptying into the hallways.
"Make sure you're ready for the quiz next week!" Our science teacher yells.
I put all my stuff in my bag before walking over to Gina.
"You ok Gigi?"
I use that nickname a lot with her because it makes her blush and she's cute when she blushes.
"I am now that this class is over. It's hard trying to stay up when you're learning about...wait what did we learn today?"
I laugh pushing some hair out her face making her blush even more.
"Come on Gi let's go, everyone's probably waiting for us." I say holding out my hand. She takes it and we walk out the classroom and though the halls hand in hand. I could feel my face heat up and I can't keep the smile off my face bit I think nothing of it
"Where are they? I just want to hurry up and go!" Ricky whines leaning into my side.
I stroke his hair which seems to calm him down a little.
"Calm down bubba I'm sure they'll be here soon." I say looking down at him.
His cheeks fade to a light pink and he hides his face in my chest.
"Why do you keep calling me that?" He says and I frown. I thought he liked the nicknames I gave him.
"Oh...uh sorry. I thought you would like it but I'll stop if it makes you uncomfortable."
"No!" He says tugging my arm. "I like it, I was just asking but I really like when you call me that."
I smile at him trying to push the thought of peppering kisses all on his adorable face.
"Alright losers let's go!" Gina says as she walks towards us with Nini by her side.
We walked out the school going to the parking lot. We split up going to different cars.
Ashlyn, Big Red and Kourtney go with Brook. Nini and Gina go with Sen and Carlos which I'm a little surprised by because Nini always drives with me so that leaves me and Ricky in my car.
"Guess it's just you and me curls." I say turning to him. He has a big smile on his face and drags me to my car, looks like he's happy about that.
-At The Mall-
"EJ I'm tired of walking." Ricky whines in my ear."
I roll my eyes nudging the curly head boy's shoulder as we walk.
"We've only been here for 10 minutes curls. How can you be tired?"
"Because he's lazy!" Big Red jokes ruffling his hair.
Ricky pushes his hand away sticking his tongue out like a child.
"Am not." He mumbles under his breath.
I sigh stoping in front of him bending down. He jumps on my back wrapping his arms around my neck and I hold his legs up.
"Only 10 minutes bubba. Ok?"
He shakes his head resting it on my shoulder.
"15." He protest and I sigh nodding my head.
"Ok, only 15 minutes and then you walk again."
He giggles making my stomach feel weird, but in a good way. Like there's a mini gymnast doing a billion flips.
We walk around with the rest of the group going from store to store. I never put Ricky down after the 15 minutes. I don't know why but I just didn't want to let go of him.
"EJ I want a pretzel." Ricky says.
"We're about to get some food Rick. Can you wait after?"
He shakes his head and gives me his adorable puppy eyes. The things I would do for this cutie.
"Hey guys we'll catch up with you." I say and they nod their heads as we spilt up.
When we get to the pretzel stand Ricky jumps off my back bouncing on his toes. I order him a cinnamon pretzel and we watch as they make the it. Once it's done I pay and we walk back to the others. The back of our hands are brushing against each other and I'm pretty sure my heart beat is shaking the whole mall.
"Do you feel that?" Ricky ask me taking me out of my thought.
I can feel the ground shaking a little under my feet, is my heart actually beating that hard! There was then a loud crashing sound knocking us both down to the ground, screams followed after it. I quickly get up helping Ricky.
"Are you ok?!"
"Yeah, I'm fine. What was that?" He says holding on to me and I hold him too.
My phone dings and I quickly check it to see a text from Brook.

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