32. The Public Eye

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Now that the problem of telling our parents was over with, there was really only one thing left to do; tell the entire rest of the world.

"I really don't think that you're fans are going to be subdued by the fact that our pregnancy announcement is 'cute.'" I have my arms crossed over my chest, staring down at my boyfriend as he places letters into a black letterboard with a picture from Pinterest open for inspiration.

When we'd woken up this morning he has been insistent on finally letting the entire world in our little secret while I insisted that he shut up and climb back into bed.

I had won out for as long as our bodies had allowed but eventually we had to get up and face the reality of the day. "I don't care what my fans think. I'll block 'em all if they have a problem with the decisions I make in my life." Glancing up at me from his project he sets his cerulean eyes on mine. "I fell for you, we made a couple poor judgement calls in the heat of a moment and now, we're having a baby. If anyone has a bad thing to say about that, then they're not a real fan."

"I guess" I sigh, studying the board over his shoulder. It read out the first lines of jingle bells, on theme for the season we're entering now that Thanksgiving is in the rearview, but in this version of the song, after "oh what fun it is," the words change from "to ride in a one horse open sleigh" to instead read, "to say there's a baby on the way." It was certainly cute but again, I don't think his fans will be able to appreciate the adorableness in a state of shock.

"When are you posting it?" I ask, worrying on my bottom lip while I absentmindedly lay my hand against my small bump. You still couldn't particularly tell unless you knew about my pregnancy but still, the slight protuberance in my belly was there.

"I was thinking sometime today." I blow out a breath of unease, needing to sit down. If he were posting the announcement today then I only had a few hours left before my life turned upside down. I pull out my phone to make sure that all my accounts are already set to private. Josh, knowing me better than he knows himself and thus being able to read my every thought with just one look at me, places his hand over mine. "Unless you want me to wait" he adds as an afterthought. "I just thought it would be better coming directly from us rather than waiting another few weeks after you pop and someone snaps a picture, taking the opportunity of an announcement from us."

I give what he's saying some thought; of how it could be misinterpreted if we keep it a secret and how we'll be forced to make a statement with talking points probably handed down from his management. It sounds way worse than being in control of the narrative with a cheesy, cliché announcement through our Instagrams.

"I hate when you're right" I grumble, picking my phone back up and making my socials public before the gossip tabloids have any reason to fault me for leaving my private life to myself.

Being involved with a rising star certainly had it's downfalls...but not nearly enough to ever make me question my life with him. "Let's take a few pictures so we can choose the best ones. And it might be fun too...to maybe take a bump picture."

"Yea? Maya Penelope Hunter, mommy influencer. It could work for you." Rolling my eyes, I push him away and stand up from the table.

"One bump picture does not make me any sort of influencer."

"No, but the million other ones you're sure to take and post might" he replies cheekily, standing with me and grabbing my waist. I gasp when his cool hands slowly lift my shirt to expose my belly. "I can't wait until you pop. I always imagined it, what it would be like to start a family with you. Of course both of us were done with school and I had already released my first album-."

"Were we married in these imaginings?" I inquire, "because it sorta sounds like we'd be old enough for such a commitment in this imaginary life."

"Engaged. Neither of us saw the merit in rushing down the aisle just to entertain the old-fashioned ideals of people that think two people need a marriage license to reproduce."

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