24. Spilling the Beans

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"Penelope." I never thought a nickname could sound so much better in person, but it does.

"Hey" I reply weakly before I'm enveloped in hug. And in that moment I decide I can never go this long without hugging him ever again. Tears spring to my eyes as he holds me, muttering sweet words and kissing my head. It's the comfort I've needed for weeks and it feels so good to be in his arms again. "I missed you." I tell him truthfully, clinging to his back.

He wasn't dressed in much, just a pair of sweatpants but I liked that he didn't get dressed up for me. When we pull apart I'm able to note that my body hasn't been the only one going through some changes lately. He had the makings of a six pack the last time I'd saw him but the lines were nowhere as well defined as they were now. "Have you always had this many abs?" I tease, reaching out to press my hand against his chest.

He laughs, wrapping his hand around mine. "I've been working out with Max." I nod understandably while a comfortable silence settles around us. There's so much to say and yet, it's almost as if the two of us don't know where to start. "Do you uh, want something to drink?" He asks, clearing his throat to break the awkwardness. I nod my head, asking for a water and he's off to retrieve it for me.

His apartment is different from ours back in New York in the way that it's very closed off. In New York, our apartment is so open, you can see everything but the bathroom and bedroom from our kitchen. Here, you walk into the living room and the kitchen is to the left with only a small archway allowing you to see in. There's no dining space and the hall leading to his room is almost claustrophobically small. "You know, I was expecting it to be bigger."

"Hopefully that's not what she said" Josh jokes, bringing me my glass of water. I thank him and take a sip. "But yea, it's a quaint little space. I didn't want anything too big. I mean, it's just me here so." I nod, biting my lip. If we decided to move here we'd certainly need a bigger place before the baby is born. "So, wanna sit?" I nod once more and follow him to the couch. He takes his seat first, patting the spot next to him and I take it happily.

"Comfy." I note, placing my water on the coffee table.

"It is." Another awkward silence. I really just needed to get this over with if we were going to have any shot at holding a real conversation.

"Josh." "Maya." We state at the same time, earning a chuckle from us both. Josh reaches out for my hand.

"Go ahead."

I release a deep, shaky breath and squeeze his hand. "Do you remember what happened before you left New York? The night of your going away party?"

His eyebrows furrow. "Of course I remember...well, most of it. We were a little wasted." A soft chuckle leaves his lips. "Why do you ask?"

I feel the tears already but I will them away as I look at Josh. He was here, holding my hand and he wasn't going anywhere. He promised. "We slipped up."

"Slipped up? Maya, what does that mean?" He asks, scooting closer and I don't realize it until his hand is on my cheek that the tears are indeed falling despite my best efforts to stop them. I couldn't help it. If he stayed, what did that mean for his career? It was selfish of me to even come here-. "Maya." I snap out of my thoughts. "Stop thinking. Talk to me."

I break into sobs. "I can't. It'll ruin everything. You've worked too hard-."

"Penelope." Both his hands are on my face and his blue eyes are searching mine. "Breathe. Okay?" He drops one of his hands from my face and takes my hand, placing it on his chest. "Breathe with me." And I do, every inhale I feel beneath my hand I mirror and we exhale together, his forehead falling to rest against mine.

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