29. Home Sweet Home?

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There weren't ever times in New York where the entire city is at peace which I'd always loved. The thought that while you were getting tucked in for the night, there was a party happening somewhere else, it was thrilling to be brought up in that type of atmosphere but here, in the midst of Los Angeles, a city that is thought to be just as loud and lively, could actually be pretty nice and calming on an early morning.

Today was my final day here and I had been dreading it for weeks, of course I could stay here with Josh, but he had tour dates to finish and there was no way that my nausea was hitching a ride on a tour bus. So, I was leaving this afternoon to go back to New York. Alone.

Josh, of course had offered to cancel every gig for the next forever amount of years but I had insisted that he enjoy his last few months of freedom. Besides, we'd need the money if we were going to support and raise a baby.

"Morning." Josh's soft, sweet as caramel voice, echoes in my ear as he comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. His hands rest comfortably on my nonexistent baby bump.

"Good morning" I hum, placing my hands over his while we watch the city below us come to life. "Sleep well?"

"Not after you left" he replies, kissing in the crook of my neck. My eyes flutter closed. "Stay" he insists for what had to be the millionth time. I chuckle, lifting one of my hands up to thread through his long brunette locks.

"You know that I can't" I rebuttal. "And besides, you'll be in New York in a few weeks anyway, for our first appointment."

"Too long" he complains, making me laugh as I turn around in his embrace and lift my blue eyes to his.

"Baby, we talked about this."

"I know" he agrees with a sigh. "But that doesn't make it any easier. Or make me feel any less like a shitty person. I should be with you. Both of you" he says, glancing down at my baby bump. I curl my fingers beneath his chin and lift his eyes back to mine.

"We'll both be fine. You go make people's hearts sing while I look for any job that'll take a college drop-out, expectant mother."


"Don't talk about myself that way. I know. I know" I reply, already knowing what he's going to say before he says it; a perk of being with someone for far too long. "I'm just hoping that maybe my old dance school is still hiring." I had seen the help wanted ad on their website while I was shamelessly looking at classes to enroll my unborn child in when they got old enough. Josh had caught me one night after I'd thought he'd escaped to the balcony for the night. Together, we had talked all about our kids and how they would be the most musically educated children the world has ever seen.

It was a good night.

"Even if they aren't, I'm sure they'd take you anyway. You're talented as hell and alumni."

"I don't think alumni applies to this particular thing-."

Josh places his finger against my lip to quiet me. "Don't argue with me. I'm always right." I chuckle as he drops his finger and retreats back into the apartment.

"I'll miss you" I murmur, speaking the words that I won't dare say today in fear of him following his heart and coming back with me. As much as I'd love that, we could do distance for a little longer. He could still have his dream while I took care of our shared dream, our little one. I place my hand on my belly and smile softly. "He'll be back before we know it."


"Josh, it's only two and half weeks" I chuckle as he practically suffocates me with his embrace while onlookers stared at us like a museum exhibit. I could almost hear a Karen's voice in my head complaining that millennials were too damn sappy and emotional. It made me want to hold him just a little longer.

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