5. Waking Up the Neighbors

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Saturdays were my favorite day of the week. Saturdays were one of the only days of the week where I didn't have to go to class or worry about Josh having to rush off to the studio.

I smile upon waking up the next morning and finding my boyfriend still fast asleep beside me; a sight that I never really got to witness anymore. I reach forward and move a strand of hair out of his eyes causing his eyes to flutter open. "Good morning gorgeous. You been up long?" he asks, grabbing my waist and pulling me closer.

I shake my head. "Just got up."

"Hm, it seems we were a bit tired" he chuckles and I nod in agreement as my fingers trace down his chest. We hadn't gotten back to the house until almost midnight and then we had spent at least an hour in our bed before finally falling asleep. Not to mention, with our hectic schedules we were absolutely exhausted. "What do you want to do today sweetheart?"

"Whatever you want" I reply contentedly. "Just as long as you're all mine today."

He smiles, ducking his head down to press a kiss to my lips. "I'm all yours Penelope."

My heart swells as I kiss him back tenderly, lifting my hand to caress his cheek while the other wraps around his shoulder. He falls gracefully back onto the bed and pulls me on top of him and it's easy to notice how excited he is since we hadn't bothered to get dressed after last night.

I splay my hands out on his chest and he inhales sharply as I sink down onto him. Unfortunately, before we get very much further the doorbell rings and I pull back from my boyfriend confusedly. "I thought we'd be alone today" I breathe out and he shrugs.

"Ignore it baby" he insists, reaching back up to kiss me and allowing my position on top of him to shift and push him deeper. A moan tumbles from my lips as I adjust for a moment before starting my movements again, each time increasing my speed bit by bit.

The doorbell rings again and I fight to ignore it as I find myself coming apart at the seams. It sounds again and I clench my eyes shut as Josh's hips come up to meet mine causing me to explode around him. The pleasure overwhelms me and I cry out his name as pounding sounds on our door. "Jesus Christ" Josh mutters, flipping us over and reaching over to turn on music on his phone. He blares it and I laugh as his lips come back over mine.

The sound of the doorbell is faintly heard as he moves inside me, building me up again without his own release. "Josh baby come on" I beg, my legs trembling.

"Don't hold back for me" he argues, caressing my cheek as he brushes that spot that causes me to burst instantaneously.

"Shit" I murmur, my eyes fluttering shut as my second orgasm of the morning waves over me and Josh is quick to follow.

The knocking on the door is still obvious and obnoxious and Josh groans as he climbs off the bed and grabs a pair of boxers. "I'm gonna kill whoever this is" he grumbles, walking out of our room and I smile, watching him go before deciding that I should probably follow after him.

I climb off the bed and start heading towards the bathroom when it suddenly hits me like a ton of bricks that we most certainly just had sex without any sort of protection.


"Who was it?" I ask Josh when I walk into the living room, dressed and ready to confess that we had to go to the drugstore immediately.

"Our neighbor" he smirks and my eyes widen while he simply laughs. "She uh wanted us to know that she kept her teenage son up all night with our noise and she was extremely pissed off that I took so long to answer the door and she left when I suggested that perhaps her son didn't get any sleep last night because he was making noise of his own."

I shake my head at him. "So, you want the neighbors to hate us?"

"Just the old, grumpy ones" he shrugs. "But what's up with you? You look sick."

"Yea well remember how I suggested I go on birth control because sometimes we can get a little wrapped up in each other and forget important details like condoms?"

He bites his lip, giving me an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry baby."

"It'll be fine once I take the morning after pill. You wanna come with or-?"

"I'll drive" he replies, grabbing his keys off the counter. "Let me just go throw on some clothes" he adds, walking towards me. "I really am sorry" he adds, resting his hands on my shoulders.

"I know" I nod, reaching up to kiss him. "Let's just make sure we remember until I can get on the pill, mkay?"

He nods in agreement before walking out of the room to get dressed and I settle on the couch to wait for him. I scroll through my socials on my phone while I wait but suddenly mail drops in through our mail slot and I drop my phone onto the couch to go retrieve the pile.

I bring it back to the couch and leaf through it, passing bills and advertisements until something from the local ballet company catches my attention. I quickly drop the rest of the mail and tear it open, reading over the letter and my heart starts to pound out of my chest. "Ah" I scream causing Josh to come running down the hall.

"What? What's going on?" he asks and I jump off the couch, throwing the letter in his face.

"I got an audition! I got an audition for The Nutcracker" I shout, jumping up and down in excitement. Josh's face breaks out into a grin as he picks me up and spins me around.

"Baby I am so proud of you" he exclaims, setting me back down and taking my face between his hands. "You have worked so hard for this. I am so, so happy for you babe."

I stare at him lovingly, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me." I lean up and press my lips to his in a brief kiss before I pull away and sigh. "But uh perhaps we should celebrate later" I add and he nods in agreement.

"Right, let's go."


"What would you do if you got pregnant?" Josh asks later that night while we're getting dressed for dinner. He was taking me out to celebrate my audition slot.

I turn around from the mirror to look at him, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Why do you ask?"

He shrugs, sitting on the bed and tying up his shoes. "I don't know. We just seem to be awfully forgetful which I know is why you're going on the pill but accidents still happen Maya and I know we both have all these plans-."

I cut him off by lifting his head so his eyes are forced to lock on mine and I smile down at him lovingly. "If by some off chance I got pregnant we would figure it out. I wouldn't want to give up dancing but if it meant that we got to live out our dream of becoming a family then I'd do it."

His eyes widen in surprise. "But last year you always said-."

"Last year, last month, last week, I think my answer would've been different" I admit. "But right now, I couldn't imagine being in that situation and feeling any differently than being shocked and excited. We'd figure it out."

"Would you expect me to quit my music?"

I smile, caressing his cheek. "Baby, I promise if I ever end up pregnant then we'll have this discussion but for now, let's just enjoy our empty nest days a little longer."

He laughs, nodding his head. "Okay" he concedes. "I'm sorry, it's just I can't believe I forgot this morning."

I shrug. "It's easy to forget. We're very spontaneous people."

"Um not really" he argues. "I'm pretty sure sex is the only spontaneous thing we do."

"Whatever" I laugh, breaking from his embrace. "Are we going to dinner or not?"

"Of course we're going" he replies, standing up. "We have your audition to celebrate" he adds, wrapping his arm around me as we head out of the apartment. "Do you think it would be too soon to brag to all the waiters that my girlfriend is on Broadway?"

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