33. Safe Haven

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I sleep through most of the flight and the ride to Josh's apartment. It's not until I hear my boyfriend cursing and feel his body unwinding itself from mine that I stir, peeling open my eyes to look through the window of our Uber and find paparazzi milling about, waiting for our arrival. "These people truly need a hobby" I grumble, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Sir, can you give us a moment?" Josh asks the driver. The man nods, parking a ways down the street as to not alert the swarm of our presence while my boyfriend pulls his phone from his pocket and begins rifling through his contacts. After a moments long search he seems to find the number he's looking for and clicks it, bringing his cell to his ear while his leg begins to bounce on it's own accord.

"Josh." I place my hand comfortingly on his knee and his eyes find mine, exhaustion mixed with something else in his expression. I furrow my eyebrows trying to figure what else besides an overwhelming urge to be done with today, could exist within him.

"Hey." He answers when the phones connect. "Yea, I'm here but my place is surrounded. Is there any way-?" His question is cut off and a brief chuckle spills from his lips. "You took the words right out of my mouth. Thanks man. We'll be there soon." And then the call is over, and Josh is relaying a new address to the driver.

"Where are we going?" I ask confusedly as the car veers back out into traffic.

Josh drapes his arm across my shoulders and drops a kiss to my head lovingly. "Somewhere you'll be safe."


"Long time no see." I could actually cry as Max leans against his door, clad in boxers and nothing else, his hair a shaggy mess atop his head but his smile easy as he looks between me and Josh.

Unable to stop myself, I throw myself at him and bury my face in his neck. He stumbles back, surprised by my sudden display of affection but catching up as his hands wind around my waist. "Tough day?" He asks and I nod, beginning to sniffle as he holds me. "It's okay. You're here now and I know that guy of yours isn't gonna let anything happen to you. And I won't either." He assures me as we pull apart and I wipe tears from my eyes.

"Thanks Max. For letting us crash." Josh says, interrupting our moment to come up to stand beside me, wrapping his arm around my waist. "We owe you."

"You don't owe me a damn thing. You're protecting your family." Reminded all at once the situation that's led me to his doorstep, Max's eyes flit to my stomach. "How is the little one anyway?" He asks, his gaze meeting mine again as the question leaves his lips.

"The baby is good. I'm exhausted" I admit, letting out a small chuckle. "Though I'm unsure if I should blame the media circus or the baby for that."

"Both" he suggests as the bedroom door just down the hall opens and Sophie walks out wearing one of Max's shirts, her hair in a messy bun atop her head. "Hey baby. Did we wake you?" He asks, placing his hand on the small of her back as she stops beside him.

"Maybe. But you're forgiven" she smiles, kissing him before her eyes meet mine. "You look exhausted, are these boys keeping you up?" She asks accusingly, slapping her boyfriend. "She looks as if she can barely stand upright. Where are your manners?"

"I apologize, I seem to have lost them in dating you...it's not as if you care for manners in our time alone." Josh coughs uncomfortably, eyeing the exposed brick and painted walls of the living area.

"Lovely room, is it not?" He asks. Sophie rolls her eyes, leaving her boyfriend's side.

"C'mon. I'll show you to the guest room" she smiles, picking up my bag from the floor before leading us down a short hall to an empty room. Empty walls, empty surfaces. There's nothing besides a bed and a dresser against an opposing wall. "It's not much but it's not swarming with paparazzi so-." She shrugs, placing my bag beside the bed along with Josh's that he shrugs off his shoulder. "If you need anything, we won't be asleep for another little while-."

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