9. Breaking News

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The rest of the weekend passes in a blur despite the fact that I spend most of it staring at my phone awaiting a call about my audition. Josh was sure I would get the part but with every passing day I was getting less and less sure. "You know, staring at it won't make it ring" Josh teases, walking into the living room and plopping down beside me. I sigh, glancing up at him. 

"I just need to know" I whine. "I mean, even if I don't get it-."

"Penelope" he groans, plucking my phone from my hands. "You are going to get the part" he insists, caressing my cheek. "You just need to focus on something else" he adds with a smirk and I chuckle, placing my hand over his. 

"Something like what?" I ask, quirking an eyebrow at him. I had woken up early this morning for practice with Miss Laine but afterwards I couldn't bring myself to sit through my classes with this huge cloud hanging over my head so I skipped which left me with a lot of free time. 

"I have a few ideas" he smirks, crashing his lips onto mine. I smile against his lips, kissing him back feverishly. With him leaving for LA in a matter of days we were taking advantage of every moment and while I was starting to get a tad worn out I couldn't bring myself to turn him down with the looming distance on our horizon. 

He knocks me onto my back and I part my legs to allow him to settle between them and a moan falls from my lips when he begins trailing kisses down my neck. I reach for the hem of his shirt and begin tugging it up over his torso but before I'm even able to get it over his head the shrill sound of one of our phone's ringing ruins the moment. "Was that mine or yours?" Josh asks breathlessly and I shrug. Perhaps we should've gotten different ringtones. 

I push him off my lap and reach over for my phone but find the screen blank while Josh's phone vibrates erratically beside mine. "What the hell?" he asks, reaching for his phone and bringing it to his ear. "Joshua Matthews" he answers professionally and I quirk an eyebrow at him. Professional Josh was sorta hot. "What?" he exclaims, covering his mouth with his hand. "T-thank you for calling. Okay, bye." He hangs up and stares down at me for a long moment.

"What?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows at him. 

"We were nominated for Best New Artist" he says dazedly and my heart skips a beat. The Grammy nominations came out today which meant that my boyfriend was just nominated for a freaking Grammy. 

"Are you kidding me?" I exclaim, excitement bubbling over. "Josh oh my god!" I shout, sitting up. "Oh my god!"

He laughs giddily, reaching forward to caress my cheek. "You know I'd have none of this without you. I love you so much" he murmurs and my heart starts beating out of my chest as I stare up at him. Distance had nothing on the love I had for him. 

"I love you too" I agree, reaching back up for another kiss and soon enough we fall back onto the couch, pulling at each other's clothes until we're both down to nothing but our underwear. I reach my hand underneath his boxers and start to tug them down his legs until finally he's naked on top of me. 

"You sure you're not to sore from this weekend?" he asks with a smirk and I chuckle, shaking my head. 

"I'm sure" I assure him and without further argument he pulls my panties down my legs and thrusts forward. I gasp, burying my nails into his back as he starts up a rhythm that leaves me tipping over the edge in record time but just as he's about to catch up with me my phone starts ringing incessantly on the table beside us. 

"You're fucking kidding me" Josh pants, glancing at the phone without stopping his thrusts. 

"Just" I pause, biting my lip as my orgasm threatens to tear me apart. "Shit" I moan, tipping my head back as I explode around him.

He screams out in pleasure and follows my lead, spilling inside me and while I would love to revel in the afterglow I quickly reach over for my phone and take a deep breath before answering. "Maya Hunter."

"Hello Miss Hunter. My name is Willow Berk, I'm the director of The Nutcracker and I'm calling you to tell you that you have a callback for the role of Clara. Can you come in tomorrow?"

My head is buzzing at this point and I honestly lose the ability to speak so I find myself nodding without realizing she can't see me. "I-I mean" I stutter, still trying to even out my breathing. "Yes. I-I will be there."

"Great" she chirps. "Can't wait to see you."

Our phones disconnect and I drop mine onto the table before looking back up at Josh. "I got a callback."

Josh's lips spread into a grin. "Seriously?" he exclaims and I nod, almost crying in happiness. "I knew you could do it" he says dazedly, caressing my cheek. "I am so proud of you Penelope. When is it?"

I bite my bottom lip. Yesterday we had set up meetings with all Josh's new perspective managers and in the moment I had totally forgot. "Tomorrow" I reply sheepishly but instead of blowing up at me he simply laughs. 

"And you think I'm upset? Baby I'll bring the band with me tomorrow, you just go and kill your callback. Okay?"

"Are you sure?" I ask softly, reaching up and running my fingers through his hair. "Because I'm done making you feel like you're some second choice because you're not. You're the most important thing in my life."

"Penelope I promise" he assures me. "And when you get home I want to hear all about it, for real this time."

I chuckle, nodding my head in agreement. "Okay" I concede. "As long as I can brag to all my friends about how I'm dating a super hot, Grammy nominated singer."

"Oh I expect you to" he replies teasingly. "How else will I grow my fan base?" I giggle, pulling him back down on top of me. "I love you Penelope."

"I love you too" I agree, resting my arms on his chest. "And I hope you know how proud I am of you. I know our careers get in the way a lot but I really am so happy for you and so, so proud to be able to call myself your girlfriend."

"I know that and I hope you know that when you inevitably get this part that I will be sitting front and center and I will be totally loud and obnoxious with my applause."

"Oh lord" I laugh. "Perhaps we should discuss theater etiquette."

"Okay as long as we don't get advice from Riley and Lucas." 

I burst into a fit of laughter, remembering the inappropriate behavior of my best friend and her boyfriend the last time we went to the theater. "We definitely won't ask them" I agree while Josh's phone starts buzzing incessantly on the table beside us. I glance over and quirk an eyebrow at him. "Do you think the news of your nomination broke?"

"Definitely" he replies, reaching for his phone. I think he's going to sit and read all the media surrounding his big moment but instead he shuts his phone off and tosses it onto the carpet, out of sight. 

"Why did you do that? Don't you want to see all your fans freaking out?"

He shakes his head, caressing the curve of my hip. "There's only one fan I care about right now and she's right here." My heart swells as I reach back up for another kiss, allowing all the distractions from today to melt away until it's just me and Josh in a perfect, uninterrupted moment. 

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