11. Last Night Out

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"Please, please, please" I beg making Josh chuckle as he glances down at me. We were tangled in bed together, wasting time that I should be using to go and warm-up before my morning class but I couldn't bring myself to get out of bed. In a week Josh would be leaving for Los Angeles and we'd officially be a long distance couple which meant no more morning cuddles so, I was taking full advantage of the mornings we had left. 

"Penelope, wouldn't you rather just spend the evening here?" he asks, stroking his hand down my bare back. I roll my eyes. We had spent countless evening here in bed and while it was enjoyable and immensely satisfying I knew that we needed to get out and have a least one more night with our friends before he left. 

"We can come back here after" I remind him, propping my head up on his chest. "Come on, Farkle even said that he'd name a drink after you in honor of your growing success." Josh laughs, nodding his head in concession. 

"Fine" he says finally, "but speaking of growing successes, don't you think you should get going so you aren't late for Miss Laine's class. I know you're one of her favorites but I don't think she can pass you based on likability." I groan, sitting up and pushing back the blankets. 

"I know you're right but I resent you for it" I grumble and he laughs, snuggling further into our warm, cozy bed. 

"I'm sorry to hear that babe. Perhaps someday you'll forgive me."

"Hmph, someday" I reply, wandering across the room to my dresser and pulling out a pair of black leggings and my bodysuit. I quickly change and tie my hair up in a bun while Josh nods back off to sleep and I fight to suppress a soft chuckle as I look over at him. He was the only person I knew that could fall asleep that fast. 

I walk over to him, kissing his cheek before leaving the apartment and heading off towards the dance studio that's almost filled when I arrive. I glance at the clock and notice that I've only arrived with mere minutes to spare. Thank goodness me and Josh didn't spend more time rolling around between the sheets this morning or I would've actually been late. 

"Morning sleeping beauty" Riley teases when I reach the barre. I stick my tongue out at her and she laughs, returning to her warm-ups. 

I glance over at her concentrated face and purse my lips, looking towards the front of the room as Miss Laine walks in. "How's the dorm?" I ask conversationally while our instructor starts up the music. 

Riley looks over at me and shrugs nonchalantly. "Same as last year. Annoying neighbors, communal bathrooms" she lists. "It sucks pretty much and you're neither you or Lucas are there so" she trails off and a light bulb goes off in my head. I had the perfect idea that save both of our years. 

"Move in with me" I blurt out, much like Josh did when he asked me only a few short months ago. Riley's eyes widen as her gaze settles intently on me. 


I chuckle. "What? It's not like I don't have the room. Josh is leaving in a week, Lucas is still down in Texas and it would be nice to be able to have someone in the house with me. I can only offer you a couch but I think it may be even comfier than the dorm beds."

"I can guarantee that it is" she replies, staring at me in awe. "But are you sure? I mean, you could have the place to yourself completely. Doesn't that sound sorta perfect?"

"If I were a fan of silence then yes" I respond bluntly. "But I'm not a fan so, I would much rather have you move in. Come on, please" I plead. "I miss my best friend."

A smile tugs at her lips and finally, she nods in concession. "Fine but when Josh comes to visit I'm going to need ample notice so I can make sure I have earplugs" she teases and I chuckle, shaking my head at her in amusement. 

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