4. Heart to Hearts

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I wake up the next morning and find the bed beside me empty. It wasn't often that Josh left before me, especially on a Friday yet it was clear that he was gone. I sigh, climbing out of bed and padding across the floor to change for my early morning dance class. As I'm pulling my tights over my legs I hear my phone ding and abandon my task to reach for it. 

Morning gorgeous. Sorry I had to duck out early this morning. Our producer is making us do more takes of three of the songs we had done. I'm still gonna try to make it tonight though xx

I sigh, dropping my phone onto the nightstand. He would try to make it. I suppose that's all I could expect from him but it was still disappointing. I finish getting dressed before packing up my dance bag and walking out of the apartment. No matter how annoyed I was with Josh's constantly packed schedule, I wouldn't let it ruin my day. 

I walk into the studio and find Riley warming up at the barre and a smile tugs at my lips as I walk towards her and drop my bag to the floor. "Hey Riles."

"Morning" she greets me. "You're here early" she points out and I shrug, getting into first position. 

"Josh had already left so I didn't see any reason to stay cooped up in the house" I explain. "Besides, I figured we could make official plans. Since it seems that my boyfriend is going to be late or miss the event all together I was thinking that you could meet at our place after classes and we could get ready like we used to" I suggest and she nods. 

"That sounds like fun" she agrees. "But are you sure you're okay going without Josh?" she asks and I sigh. Josh putting his foot down with his label and keeping them based here in New York seemed like a sensible solution a few months ago but I was starting to doubt it now. It wasn't that I wanted to be away from him because it was quite the opposite but this constant fighting wasn't any better for our relationship than distance would be. 

"I'm starting to think perhaps I should get used to being without Josh" I explain and her eyes widen in surprise. 

"Are things really that bad?"

I shrug. "Things are all over the place. I love him and I want to work through things but it's like I can't stop myself from saying all the wrong things. I hear myself in my head and even I think I'm selfish but I still can't stop myself from saying the words anyway."

She gives me a sympathetic smile. "Honey, he loves you" she assures me. "And he knows you mean well and we all know you didn't grow up with the best communicative role models. You're trying and he sees that which is why he's still here."

"But at what point is it unfair of me to keep him?"

She chuckles. "He's not a dog hon. If he didn't want to be here then he wouldn't be. Nor are you keeping him hostage. He made the decision to give up Los Angeles."


"He made the decision Maya. Unless you break-up with him, he's not going to give up on you...and maybe not even then."


Classes go by surprisingly quickly. Riley and I head to the apartment right after the final bell rings to get ready but unfortunately it seemed that we weren't the same size as we were a year ago because Riley is struggling to fit into one of my dresses. "I think you may have eaten a bit too much in Texas" I tease. She cuts a glare at me and I laugh even harder. It wasn't that my best friend looked fat, she had just finally grown into her curves. She looked stunning and I'm sure that if Huckleberry was here he would agree. 

"I guess I'm wearing jeans" she sighs, tossing my dress onto the bed. I shrug, standing up and smoothing out the wrinkles in the short golden dress I had decided on. I knew that if Josh were home that he'd insist I change but he wasn't coming so I could wear whatever I wanted. 

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