16. Staying Afloat

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My alarm blares at five in the morning and while the sun is rising, my body wishes it weren't. The good news is that for the first time in a few days, I don't feel like running to the bathroom upon waking up.

I do however need to make a trip to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. I walk out of my bedroom, hearing Riley's soft snores from the living room and a chuckle tumbles from my lips. Hopefully I wouldn't wake her in my haste to get out the door.

I make sure to close the bathroom door soundlessly when I finish my trek down the hall and when I'm done getting ready, I tiptoe back to my room. I pack a bag with all my clothes and my slippers and stop in the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and crackers on my way out, just in case I end up having any more stomach issues. Though, this time I'd probably blame it on the dancing. It wouldn't be the first time that rigorous choreography would end with me on the bathroom floor. "Good luck" Riley mutters, half-asleep as I finally leave the apartment, my bag on my shoulder.

The walk to the rehearsal space isn't too bad and it's only mildly chilly this morning which helps. I pull out my phone to check the weather but before I can open the app, my phone rings and Josh's name appears on the screen. I smile, lifting the phone to my ear. "What are you doing up?"

"You have rehearsal. I wanted to call to wish you luck. Not that you need it." My heart swells. Sometimes it was hard to remind myself that Josh was real and not just a character in a novel, that's how perfect he was.

"You're too good to me, Matthews."

"Nonsense." I smile wider. "So, how are you feeling this morning? Still nauseous?"

I shake my head, as if he can see me. "Nope. Feeling much better. I really do think I just ate something that didn't agree with my stomach. You know how Riley and I are about cleaning out our mini fridge."

He laughs. "You aren't wrong. If I remember correctly, the last time you cleaned it was...never."

"Haha" I reply, laughing dryly. "But you get my point" I recover, walking up to the rehearsal building and pulling open the door. "So don't worry about me today. Just enjoy being on the road...and make sure to remind Max that he has an amazing girlfriend who would do just about anything that your roadies are offering."

I can just imagine the face he's pulling based on his silence. "I'm not even going to ask." I chuckle. "On that note, seriously, break a leg today and call me as soon as you're done. I wanna hear all about it."

"Will do. I love you Josh."

"I love you too Penelope." And then our phones disconnect and I walk into the rehearsal space where seemingly most everyone is already here. I didn't realize that we were apparently supposed to show up early. Was there a memo I missed?

Everyone turns to look at me upon arrival and it's clear that I'm the newbie...and it's got my stomach knotting all over again. I take a deep breath in and out, calming my nerves as I head to the barre to warm up myself.

It takes about five seconds for the snickers to start and another three seconds for someone to tap me on the shoulder. She's shorter than me, which is saying a lot, but she's also clearly younger. Maybe a background dancer. I quirk an eyebrow at her. "Yes?"

"Are you Joshua Matthews' girlfriend?" she asks, giddy as hell. I quickly realize that she's an Accidents fan...and you know, same. But I wasn't here to answer questions about my boyfriend.

"Maybe. Why?"

Her eyes twinkle. "Can you get his autograph for me?" she asks, bouncing on her heels. I'm about to tell her to get lost but luckily, I'm spared because suddenly the director walks in with an all business air to her that makes everyone go running to get into position, the girl included.

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