14. Celebration Blues

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There is nothing worse than a Monday morning...except maybe a Monday morning after you've spent the entire weekend glued to your phone talking to your boyfriend who happens to be across the country. I feel like a literal zombie as I walk beside Riley on the way to our morning class. I had gotten a whopping three hours of sleep last night.

"Did you ever put the phone down last night?" Riley asks worriedly as we reach the studio and walk inside, dropping our bags to the floor. I shrug, unwilling to admit that I got barely any sleep last not and especially not wanting the lecture that I know is coming. "Maya I know that you love him but you do realize that things are different now. You're on different coasts and he can't keep you up all night when you have class-."

"Riley! I don't need a lecture and I don't exactly remember asking you for your opinion either" I add, walking past her and stopping at the barre. She sighs, settling across from me on the other side of the barre I was using to warm up.

"I'm not trying to lecture you" she murmurs so as not to gain the further attention of the people that had turned to listen to my previous outburst. People could mind their own business. "I'm worried about you. You're obviously tired and cranky-."

"I'm not cranky" I argue, realizing in that moment that I'm exhibiting the exact behavior that I'm fighting against. "I'm frustrated" I admit, looking over at her. "The only time he has to talk is at night and I'm not about to ignore him all week because of class. You and I both know I won't last that long without hearing his voice."

She gives me a sympathetic smile as Miss Laine walks into the classroom and calls us to attention. It's easy to lose myself in the movements I'm supposed to make and the music I'm moving to but about seven minutes before class is about to end the shrill sound of my phone ringing interrupts the peaceful morning class and everyone turns around to glare at me as if we were actually in the midst of a Broadway show and not a ballet class.

Riley looks at me quizzically and I shrug my shoulders as I walk over to my bag and rifle through it for my phone. My heart jumps into my throat when I read the screen. "Oh my gosh" I murmur, lifting the phone to my ear. "This is Maya Hunter" I answer professionally. The class is silent behind me.

"Hello Miss Hunter, this is Willow Berk, the director of The Nutcracker."

"I-I remember" I stutter nervously. "What can I do for you Miss Berk?" I ask politely, this effectively gets the attention of Miss Laine as well as a few girls in the room that recognize the name. They all start sharing knowing glances while I turn around to get away from the gossip and focus on the woman's voice.

"Well, we were deeply impressed by both your auditions for the role of Clara and well, congratulations Miss Hunter. We'd love to extend to you an offer to play Clara in our upcoming Christmas production of The Nutcracker."

"Yes. Yes absolutely" I nod, covering my mouth with my hand as tears spring to my eyes.

"Lovely. Rehearsals start this Saturday at six a.m. We can't wait to see you there." With that the call ends and I turn slowly to face the class.

"S-sorry about that. I-I got the part" I cry and immediately all the girls shriek and envelope me in a group hug while tears streak down my face. I had done it. I actually got the part. I was going to be in a professional ballet.


"To Maya." I roll my eyes as all my friends lift their glasses to me. Farkle had insisted we celebrate the news once Riley texted everyone to tell them and that's how we had ended up in the club before opening tonight with the lights up and Addy resting in her mother's lap. It was the oddest club experience of my life.

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