10. Choosing the One

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Josh is paging through resumes for the managers that he and the band are interviewing today when I walk into the apartment on Tuesday afternoon. I had spent all morning in the studio running through my routine about a half dozen times until I was finally sure it was perfect and now I had roughly two hours until I had to be at my callback. 

"Hi baby" I greet him, sneaking up behind him and kissing his neck. "How are the potential managers looking?" I ask, stepping up onto my tiptoes to see over his broad shoulders. He sighs, pushing another page to the side. 

"They're all either above our pay grade or not experienced enough" he explains in frustration, running his hands through his hair. "It's as if there isn't one person that fits all our qualifications or is even remotely affordable." 

My lips quirk into a frown as I wrap my arms around his waist and squeeze his torso tightly. "Is there anything i can do to make it better?" I ask hopefully. He turns around to look at me and takes my hands in his, staring into my eyes intently. 

"Kill your callback today" he says steadily. "I would really just like to come home to some good news" he adds with a soft smile and my heart swells as I reach up to peck his lips. 

"I'll do my best" I assure him before pulling away and dropping my ballet bag to the floor. "I'm gonna go take a shower before I have to leave. Have fun with your paperwork" I smirk, turning on my heels and walking off down the hall but it isn't long until I hear him scurrying after me. 

"The paperwork can wait" he insists, wrapping his arms around my waist as we stumble back into the bathroom. 


You'd think that with this being my second time auditioning for these people that I'd be any less nervous but instead I was positive that I was more nervous than before. The first time it seemed like such a long shot that I'd get the role that I had allowed some of the pressure to lift off my shoulders but now it was only between me and one other girl and that was terrifying. 

My knee shakes up and down while I wait and I find myself anxiously looking around the room for anything to distract me until my phone starts blaring from inside my bag and my eyes widen. I quickly reach down to rifle through my bag until I finally find my phone and pull it out, finding my dad's name on the screen. 

I had no idea how much longer I'd be sitting out here and perhaps talking to my dad would take my mind off things... 

"Hello" I answer quietly, leaning back in my seat. 

"Hey kiddo. Why are you being so quiet? Are you in a library?" he asks confusedly and I chuckle, shaking my head. 

"No dad. I'm actually at a callback but uh you called me so, what's up?" I ask conversationally, looking towards the door to make sure I hadn't missed anyone walking out to get me. The door was still sealed shut. 

"Oh. I just wanted to catch up" he says nonchalantly. "How are things? How's cohabitation with the boyfriend?" he asks and I roll my eyes. My dad had come around to my relationship with Josh but that didn't mean that he was thrilled that the two of us were living together.

"Things are great dad and living with Josh is perfect" I add despite me knowing that in a couple weeks our living arrangement would be coming to an end anyway. 

"Yea? Is that why you sound so sad?" he presses and I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose. I hated that Shawn knew me better than most biological fathers probably knew their daughters. 

"He's heading out to LA next week" I explain simply. 

"Ah" he replies, "well the sour mood makes sense then. Have you thought about going with him?" he offers and I chuckle. I always thought about following Josh around like a normal girlfriend probably would but unfortunately I wasn't normal and I always had to make things more complicated for all parties involved. 

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