28. A Long Night

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"Hey, Josh!" I shout from the kitchen. I had my hands curled around a glass of whipped coffee, the most Los Angeles thing that I could possibly become obsessed with and I was staring at his calendar. Well, the bands' calendar to be specific. I purse my lips as I stare at the circled date.

"Yea." He walks into the room with a pair of jeans hanging deliciously low on his hips and half his hair brushed. I stifle a laugh. Clearly, I had interrupted his morning routine.

"What's this?" I ask, pointing to the date. Halloween.

"Oh." I swear my boyfriend turns the color of a damn ghost. "T-that's nothing." His hand reaching up to rub his neck suggests otherwise. My boyfriend couldn't lie to me. I was his lie detector.

"Mhm" I hum, sipping my coffee. I think he's waiting for me to change the subject as he lingers there in front of me, but I won't. It's obviously an important date. He wouldn't have had it circled if it weren't.

Finally, he huffs, throwing up his hands in defeat. "Fine! It's a gig. We were supposed to have a gig on Halloween, but I already talked to our manager and I'm trying to get us out of it-."

I furrow my eyebrows. "Why would you try to get out of it?"

He opens his mouth to respond right away but then sort of flounders like a fish, closing his mouth again. I raise a challenging eyebrow at him. He sighs. "You're here" he says finally.

I chuckle. "And?"

"And? Really?"

"Josh." I step towards him, placing my coffee on the counter. "I would never ask you to cancel a show so that we can sit here on the couch. I understand that this is your career and that the band has a lot of momentum right now. I think you should do the gig" I finish decisively.

He looks at me dubiously. "Are you sure?"

"Of course. As long as I get to be there cheering you on."

His lips pull into a mega-watt grin, his feet scurrying across the hardwood to close the remaining distance between us. "I would love nothing more."

"Be honest, does this dress make me look pregnant?" I ask, stepping out into the bedroom where Josh is busy doing up the buttons on his shirt. I don't know why he bothered when crazy fangirls would be shouting at him to take it off in mere hours.

He looks up from his task and I see that he's taking my question seriously in the way that he regards me. It's not in the usual, dismissive, 'you look gorgeous in anything' look but an actual study of my outfit.

"I don't think so. Your bump is practically nonexistent and as crazy as my fans are, I don't think any of them would start throwing around pregnancy speculations." I nod, content with his answer. He wasn't wrong. The only reason I noticed the small changes my body was going through was because I knew about the baby. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have given them a second thought either. "You look gorgeous by the way." That cheeky smile returns and my heart stirs.

"Thank you." I had chosen something simple. A little black dress that hugged my curves in ways that I would embrace now before I started looking like a whale. I was wearing Converse though. There was no way my ass was stuffing my feet into heels. Josh thought it was a cute contrast. Sexy and casual.

On the other hand, Josh was dressed simply, somehow still looking better than me in his signature skinny jeans and white button-up. I had wanted to dress up originally, arguing that it is Halloween, but he insisted that this wasn't the kind of club where people got into the spirit of the holiday.

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