22. Changing Plans

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Walking across campus the next morning feels odd, sorta like the first time I drove here from the apartment. Of course it’s just a normal day to all the students around me, just another morning of classes that will eventually lead to a graduation and hopefully, a promising career afterwards. But for me it was quite the opposite.

Today I would officially trade in one dream for another.

I place my hand on my belly and allow a soft smile to tug at my lips. I was still worried about the inevitable conversation I would have to have with Josh sooner rather than later but after last night, I was feeling a little bit better. I already had so many supportive people behind me.

I was blessed as I had once said in Matthews’ classroom.

I exhale deeply, heading towards the administration building rather than my usual ballet class and keep my head held high as I go.

Some people smile at me, knowing me from performances or from Josh’s shows but I don’t pay them much attention, on a mission to get this over with.

I walk into the office, stepping up to the reception desk and offering the middle-aged woman my best smile. She barely repays me in the form of a grimace, just shortly looking away from her computer screen. “May I help you?” She asks.

“Um. I uh I’m here to discuss my status as a student here at the academy…with the headmistress.” She doesn’t bother to say anything more to me, instead opting to call into the woman’s office to let her know a student was here for her. She doesn’t even ask me my name.

“Go ahead.” The woman states, putting down the phone. I hesitate for a moment but eventually find my footing and walk into the office. Inside there’s a woman, perhaps in her early forties or so. She has her brunette hair cut into a bob and a classy business suit on and she wears a forced smile.

“How could I assist you today, Miss-?” She pauses, realizing she actually has no idea who I am.

I take a seat in the chair in front of her desk. “Hunter. Maya Hunter” I supply. She nods, typing something into her computer before looking back at me. I clear my throat, crossing my legs as I stare at the woman straight-on. “I-.” I pause, about to answer her original question. This was it. My last moment of being a student in this school. Once the words leave my lips there’ll be no taking them back. I exhale deeply and start again. “I’d like to un-enroll myself.”

Her eyes widen momentarily. I don’t blame her for being shocked. Only a crazy person would give up their spot at such a prestigious academy. “I’m sorry?”

“It’s just not working out” I reply blandly, adding in a casual shoulder shrug.

“Any particular reason? I’m sure we could find a solution-.”

“There’s no solution for this particular situation.” Of course there was but it wasn’t an option I was entertaining. “The academy has been incredible, don’t get me wrong but my life just isn’t moving in the direction I had once hoped for-.”

“I see.” She interjects, leaning forward and folding her hands on the table. “Well Miss Hunter, you’ve already had your tuition for this semester paid for.” Three more months of the academy. It was a tempting idea but I’d be four months by then and no doubt more miserable physically speaking, than I am now.

“I’d like to withdraw immediately” I argue.

She raises an eyebrow at me. “You won’t get your tuition back.”

“I’m aware” I reply. She purses her lips and sighs.

“If you’re sure there’s nothing I can do to talk you out of your decision-.”

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