13. A New Normal

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I'm unsure of what time it is or how long I've even been asleep for when I hear my phone ringing incessantly on the nightstand beside me. I blindly reach over to answer it and end up knocking it onto the floor causing me to groan in annoyance. I sit up and grab it off the floor, eyeing the contact name lighting up the screen. Suddenly, I'm wide awake. I answer the call, sitting up on my bed and pressing my phone to my ear. "Hello."

"Hey baby." Relief floods over me the second his voice comes across the line. His voice consumes me, driving my heart wild and quirking my lips into a grin. I missed him so much already. "I'm so, so sorry about last night. My jet lag was awful last night and the second I crawled into bed I fell asleep and knocked out until a few minutes ago."

I glance at the clock. It was noon. How had I slept that long? I glance over at Riley's bed and find it empty to no surprise. She had probably left, starving and frustrated that I wasn't waking up. At least if it was noon here that meant that Josh had gotten up at a decent hour; it was only nine o'clock there. "Well, you woke me up so I suppose I can't blame you."

"Just got up?" his voice is already taking on that tone, the worried, about to jump into a line of questioning tone. "Please tell me you were just exhausted."

I bite my lip, dropping my gaze to the blankets tangled underneath me. "In my defense I haven't slept without you in months."

"Penelope" he sighs. "You gotta sleep baby. We're fine, there's nothing that warrants staying awake and worrying."

"Who said I was worrying?" I ask, tears bubbling up again. The back of my throat starts to ache and I have to physically refrain from letting my eyes betray me. "I just missed you last night. I really wanted to hear your voice." A tear falls down my cheek. Dammit.

"Shit. Baby don't cry" he pleads. "It's okay."

"I know...this is just harder than I thought it was going to be. I thought that knowing the reason we were doing this-. I thought it would make it easier but it's not. I still miss you."

"I miss you too sweetheart but we'll be together again soon, yea? You're coming out here to visit as soon as you find time. This isn't permanent."

"No I know" I agree, wiping my tears. "I'm sorry. I'm a mess" I chuckle. "I must be getting my period or something" I add, noting how overly emotional I always get when it's near that time of the month. "I promise I won't be this hormonally insane the entire time you're gone."

"Relax sweetheart. You're allowed to cry and be upset just as long as you also try to have some amount of fun in my absence. You always had so much fun hanging out with your friends before we met, you were practically attached at the hip with Riley. Embrace having her as your roommate again and maybe call up Smackle and Farkle. I bet their baby will put a smile on your face."

I chuckle, nodding my head. He wasn't wrong and I couldn't remember the last time I had just hung out with my friends without there being some underlying reason such as Josh's gigs at the club. Maybe it was time I gave them a call. "I promise I'll reach out to them, okay?"

"Good. Now, I have to go try and find something to eat in this town that's not going to cost as much as our rent back home."

I laugh, glancing up at the door as it swings open and my best friend walks in with a bag of Taco Bell take-out. I swore if I weren't completely in love with her uncle and undoubtly straight, I'd kiss her. "Well good luck with that. Your niece just brought me lunch so I'm about to eat too. Call me tonight before you fall asleep again?"

"I will. I promise I will not let the jet lag win." I chuckle. "Have a good day baby. I love you."

"I love you more" I reply before we hang up and I look up to Riley whose holding out the bag of food for me to take. "Have I mentioned how much I love you?"

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