8. Alternatives

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We never got around to talking about my audition. I wake up the next morning and crawl out of bed while Josh is still fast asleep to go down to the kitchen and make breakfast. It had been so long since we had an entire day to ourselves and I was planning on taking full advantage of it. 

I walk down the short hallway to our kitchen and pull open the fridge to find it completely empty and I sigh. Apparently my idea to make him breakfast in bed wasn't going to work out as planned. Good thing there was Postmates for this type of emergency. I start our order and fall into the abyss of breakfast food which means that I don't notice my boyfriend's presence until his arms wrap around my waist. "What're you doing Penelope?" he asks, kissing my neck. "I was expecting you to still be in our bed so we could finally discuss this audition that you keep avoiding."

"I was hungry" I reply with a giggle, placing the order before turning around to face him. "And I'm not avoiding it...I just don't want to jinx it."

He rests his hands on either side of the counter, staring down at me intently. "Do you really think you could do such a thing? You're incredible babe and if they don't see that then fuck them."

"That was a beautiful sentiment babe, thank you" I tease, reaching up to peck his lips. "If I don't get the part you have my full authority to tell them to fuck off."


"No" I exclaim, pushing back on his chest. "And now that we've discussed my audition-."

"We didn't discuss anything."

I look over at my shoulder at him. "Now that we've discussed it" I repeat sternly. "We need to talk about your manager situation. Aren't you supposed to be going to LA in two weeks." We walk into the living room and take a seat on the couch beside one another and he sighs as he sprawls his arm out across the top of the couch. 

"Yea, so?"

I quirk an eyebrow at him. "Don't you think it's gonna be a little hard for you to get any work done if you have no manager? And what are you even going for anyway?" I ask curiously. He had mentioned that he had to fly out in a couple weeks but that was as specific as he had been. 

"The label is going to hear the entire album for the first time and if it's to their liking we could get a release date." My eyes widen. 

"A release date comes with a lot of strings Josh. An album is one thing but then there'll be a tour and appearances" I trail off as my head starts to spin with possibilities. "H-how are you going to do all that on your own. You need a new manager."

"I know baby and we're gonna find one but I just don't want to worry about all that today. I just want to be here with you-."

"How long are you gonna be gone" I blurt out without thinking. 

He sighs, reaching forward and taking my hand in his. "It may be awhile depending on how things play out."

"How long could it be?" I ask, bracing myself for impact. We had been tiptoeing around his trip but we couldn't keep pretending that there weren't things we needed to talk about before we could enjoy our alone time. 

"A couple months." I purse my lips, closing my eyes as I let that information wash over me. "But it wouldn't be full-time living there. A lot of the press would be centered in New York so I'd be home a lot-."

"For a day or two at a time" I guess, opening my eyes to look at him. "That's a long time babe."

"I know sweetheart" he nods, squeezing my hand. "And that's why I didn't want to talk about it. I hate leaving you and I wish I could take you with me but-."

"My dancing" I fill in, nodding my head. "I get it." I stand up and run my fingers through my hair. "Maybe you should get a place out there."

"What?" he exclaims, jumping off the couch. "Maya, we can get through this-."

"Josh" I cut him off, turning to face him. "Baby I'm not asking for space or anything like that. I'm suggesting that hotels are expensive as hell and you are going to be out there a lot in the coming months whether we like it or not and you should have a place that's yours and that we can afford."

"But this is all hypothetical. They could hate the album-."

"They won't" I argue, stepping towards him and pressing my hands to his chest. "They couldn't. You're songs are beautiful and they are going to love them just as much as I do. Baby I want this for you. I want you to become as successful as you've dreamed of being and I never want to hold you back so, go to LA at the end of the month and do not worry about me. I will be fine here and I will be here to welcome you home every single time you come back."

"Okay" he concedes, wrapping his arms around my waist. "But I need to hear your voice every single day and I want updates on the ballet-."

"I haven't even gotten the part yet" I argue, a smile tugging at my lips but he rolls his eyes. 

"Penelope don't act like you won't get the part when we both know that anyone with eyes and a brain would be crazy not to cast you."

My heart swells as I reach up to kiss him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "You know, since you have to have a new manager before you leave we could pick the newbie together" I suggest as we pull apart. 

He chuckles. "Are you only offering to help take your mind off waiting for your callback?"

"Of course not" I lie. "Come on, it could be fun. I did help you find your new drummer and look at how well that turned out. Please. I want to help."

He smiles, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Fine but only because I love you" he replies, pecking my lips. "But since we can't get a group of managers here today for interviews maybe we could do something else to keep your mind busy."

"Oh yea?" I ask, quirking an eyebrow at him. "Whatever do you have in mind?" I ask teasingly but before he can respond the doorbell rings and he furrows his eyebrows at me in confusion. 

"Expecting someone?"

"Pancakes" I reply, pulling away from him and grabbing my wallet from the coffee table. "I told you I was hungry" I add defensively. I pull open the door and pay the man before grabbing my food and turning back to face my boyfriend. 

"You really are something else Penelope."

"Thank you. I love you too" I smirk as I brush past him to get plates. 

LA Baby ♡ Manhattan Dreams SequelWhere stories live. Discover now