Chapter 3 - Forgive me

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Agatha swallowed down the nervous lump in her throat, she raised a shaking hand to the golden door and knocked. Tedros muttered from inside, "come in" and she opened it, heart feeling as if it were in her throat as she stepped into the room, a dramatic contrast of golds and blues. She hadn't been in here in so long, it was wildly different to what she remembered, the large super king sized bed sat at the far end of the room, golden veils falling gracefully from the beams above. She was standing in a living area, elegant blue couches with silky golden cushions and a rug that Agatha could only presume was faux fur. Tedros sat on a desk in the corner of the chamber, located below a large painting that he had insisted on having, of Excallibur hovering inches away from a weak, helpless Japeth and his scims. Agatha stood rooted for a second, suddenly at a loss for words. Tedros was filling some sort of paperwork with a blue fountain pen ecrusted with gems, and upon further inspection Agatha realised that engraved in pure gold was, 'property of the king of Camelot'. Tedros didn't turn to face Agatha, he probably had presumed it was but a maid or a servant, so Agatha once again swallowed her fear and coughed to draw his attention. Tedros, seemingly realising that a maid would not signal him as such, he turned his head abruptly, and his eyes widened at the sight of Agatha, standing there in her black nightgown.

"Agatha?" Tedros looked at her in disbelief for a moment, before burying his head into his hands and massaging his temples. He looked tired, she realised. Agatha was still looking for words, the only thing that came was, "why?" Her big brown eyes watched him as he struggled for words himself. Feeling the previous anger come seeping back, Agatha elaborated, finally gathering herself. "Why? Why do you insist on ignoring me everyday? Why do you strive to spend as little time as possible with me? What have I done to you?" Tedros still wouldn't meet her gaze, he mumbled, "I'm really busy." Anger continued bubbling inside Agatha like a cauldron brewing a potion "then look me in the eyes and tell me that." Tedros stared at the pen in his hands, pretending to clean it. "Tell me what's wrong. We are married, Tedros, you can't just go around avoiding me." Agatha pleaded, pushing back her anger in favour of begging. Tedros paused in his cleaning of the pen, Agatha's words sinking in. He raised his head to look at her, "it's getting late, I think you ought to leave to go to bed, I am really busy." Now desperately flailing to keep the conversation going, Agatha cocked her head slightly towards the paperwork, "on what?" she asked. "Renewing our bond with Jaunt Jolie, promising to fight with them if they support us etcetera etcetera"  Tedros said, keeping his response as short as possible, "Goodnight Agatha" he added brusquely on the end, being sure she realised the conversation was over. Once Tedros had ushered Agatha out of the room and shut the door, he leant against it and buried his head into his hands before mumbling "forgive me".


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