Chapter 4 - Only seeing you

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Now in Anadil's POV (trust me, I know where I'm going with this):

4 months now since Anadil had left. She had waited for 2 years with Hester, waiting for her to confess her feelings to her, to sweep her off her feet and tell her she loved her, the confession never came and she left. Anadil used to think she would travel to the ends of the earth with Hester, but she grew restless and longed for something more than waiting, so she moved away. Now Anadil had a life. Anadil was out in the woods, an adventurer, she called herself, but she had to keep moving in order to forget, and so far it had worked, until this day. 

The problem with being an adventurer, is you do go everywhere. Going everywhere is at first an appealing thought, but when you realise that it could mean that one day you would run into your evil crush who's stone heart you somehow managed to break by leaving her alone after you promised to stay with her for an eternity and beyond, its not so great sounding. Riding into her home, Bloodbrook, she never assessed the risks, because she took for granted the safe confines of the isolated kingdom in which she was raised. A feeling of nostalgia rose in Anadil as she rode through its streets, heading home. Looking around, she watched childhood memories play out in front of her. Bloodbrook had not changed in the slightest. Anadil remembered, emotions welling inside of her, the carefree days in which life was easy. She would pluck feathers from geese and watch them fly away in panic when she was a toddler, chill with all her rat friends in the sewers as a child, and torment and pick on Hort as a teen. The place that made her feel the most sentimental was the edge of a path. She would sit here day after day, and watch people go about their business. This path had a special place in her heart, and caused the normally emotionless albino witch to tear up, because not only was it her favourite spot, but it was the very place she met Hester.

(10 years ago, Anadil's POV)

"Terrifying Hort never gets tedious" Anadil cackled to herself, heading towards her path. Anadil would just sit and watch passers byers go about their business, every one of them in a world of their own. It was interesting to see how much flies right over their heads as they bustle on by, like the fact that the majority of them had never noticed the young albino witch watching them everyday. Anadil had found that it was sometimes good to simply sit and relax, be in touch with the earth around you, and leave your own busy world behind; even if only for a minute. Anadil approached her spot, but realised to her surprise that it was already occupied. A girl, around her age, 15, was sitting there, her head in her knees, and hands wrapped around her legs. She looked scared and upset. Anadil decided to investigate further. Stepping slowly along the dead grass, autumn leaves meeting their demise beneath her soles, she got closer, making her breaths shallow as possible. The girl's hair was black with red streaks, certainly not an ever, Anadil thought to herself. Edging a little closer, she accidently stepped on a twig, and it snapped. The mysterious never flicked her head around, her expression flashed with anger, "whoever you are if you think you can stalk me you're-" Her brown eyes rested on Anadil and her expression changed, "who are you?" she asked, not letting down her tough refrain completely.

"A stranger" Anadil answered dismissively. "A stranger who's spot you are currently occupying." The two eyed each other, not knowing what to say next. After a moment of silence, Anadil walked forward and sat next to her. "You look upset" she said. The girl growled threateningly at her, "if you tell anyone you saw me here in this state-" "I get it, you're like me, the hard, supposedly emotionless witch that no one understands, and you want to keep that reputation" Anadil interrupted. "I won't tell a soul I saw you like this." The girl's hard exterior cracked, just a little bit. "I'm Anadil by the way." The girl watched her, searched her face and nodded, "Hester, I'm Hester. You live here?" Anadil turned her head to look around her beloved home town, "Yes, never known anything outside of this kingdom. Don't recognise you though, are you from a different kingdom?" Hester looked away from Anadil's pale face. "Ravenswood. I, um, ran away. Me and my dad, we fell out and I left. That's why I'm here." The two sat in silence for a while, not saying anything, not needing to say anything. 

The sun gradually set on the clear blue sky, seemingly lighting the horizon on fire. The two teenagers eventually got to talking. Anadil was not normally this social with anyone, especially not strangers, but something about this particular stranger was different. Hester of Ravenswood, whatever happens, Anadil knew she would remember this person until her dying day, because this was the first person who made her feel as if she was not alone. She could tell Hester felt it too. Whether Anadil would come to have a future with Hester in it she did not know, but she would certainly remember this day.

(Back in the present day)

Anadil stared at the place they had sat, those 10 years ago, their silhouettes and the ghosts of her memories starting to fade until it was only her. Tears threatened to stream down her pale cheeks and Anadil sat in her old spot, Hester's voice still echoing in her mind she buried her head into her knees, as Hester had done, and she cried. For the first time in many years, she let herself show emotions. She had seen Hester crying in this exact spot when they met, as she was now, but the only difference was Hester wouldn't come out from the shadows and comfort her, as Anadil had to her, once upon a time.


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