Chapter 1 - Confusion

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Please bear with my crappy writing style at the start of this, this is my first fanfiction, and I was still finding my feet with this stuff. It gets better I promise.

There was a reason why Sophie was thrown into the school for evil, she saw that now. Sophie now saw what everyone else had seen in her and why she was 'the witch of woods beyond'. Among her many bad characteristics, she had found one to stand out and shine blacker and more horrible than any of the rest, her ability to betray the people she loves, no matter to what extent, and feel no guilt. Sophie was smart, she was pretty but she certainly wasn't dumb, and yet somehow she never picked up on the fact that this was the very reason why no one trusted her, and how everyone hated her for this. If there was one thing that the tale of Sophie and Agatha had taught her, it was that jade green eyes and long, shiny, blonde locks are sometimes just a cover up for an ugly heart of stone. Sophie had learned from a very young age the basic principal of all princesses have one thing in common, they are beautiful, whilst villains have one thing in common, they are ugly. It was only recent that Sophie realised that this was a myth, that sometimes the most beautiful of people are also the worst. In reality, beauty was the most deceptive villain of all. Sophie knew that she had been a victim to this belief, and that she had fell willingly into it's trap, and she now reluctantly admitted that she would look into a mirror and believe the lies that were reflected in it. She had fought for her prince and her happy ending, even when she was stuck in a school that she was  convinced she didn't belong in, she continued to fight for the prince that she felt belonged to her, Tedros of Camelot, even when her true love was there the whole time, but she ignored him, and acted as if he was invisible, only acknowledging his existence when he was the only one who would take her and help her. Sophie could say that she wasn't in love with Tedros of Camelot anymore, but she would be lying. Hort was the sweetest, gentlest, person ever, and sometimes Sophie questioned if he was put in the correct school, but despite having love and happiness, her heart still split 2 ways, to 2 different men. 

As Sophie pondered this, she heard Hort stumbling clumsily around the kitchen downstairs, she sighed and shook her head as Hort cried, "Sopphhhiiiee! I accidently dropped one of your cucumbers into the pot, is the food still edible?" Sophie smiled and shook her head before clambering off the top of the bed sheets to go help him. "I did tell you we needed servants like Aggie and Teddy didn't I Hort? But you insisted we were fine, William and Bodgen even offered to do it for free!" Sophie walked briskly down the stairs, "Well, when I say free, they did want us to purchase them their future home in Camelot in return for their free services....but that is beside the point! We have the money for thi....... Oh dear God Hort, what have you done?" Sophie stared at the mess that used to be the kitchen. The pot was overflowing, cabinet doors were swung open, ladles and spoons sat idly, uselessly, and condiments and spices sat open next to the simple vegetable soup that they were supposed to be having for dinner. A vase lay broken on the floor, with the pink flowers Sophie had picked out in the market only a few days ago strewn out besides the shattered glass in an odd array. The pot continued bubbling and spewing out funny coloured vegetable soup that smelled so strong it made Sophie cringe. "Doesn't it smell delicious! I'll let you in on a secret, I came up with it on the spot! So glad I did!" Sophie strolled over to the pot, face paled, and grabbed a ladle before scooping some of the soup out of it. Nervously, she sipped some of the steaming soup and dropped the ladle and started choking. "Sophie, you ok? Are you allergic to something I put in?" Hort looked at Sophie with genuine concern, and Sophie only glared daggers back, before wheezing, "I need some fresh air, I want the kitchen cleaned up and that soup emptied before I get back." Sophie didn't raise her voice, but the way she said it was cold and dangerous. "Don't follow me Hort, I am going to the market alone." And with that, Sophie stormed out the house.


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