Chapter 15 - Good and Evil

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Sophie's POV:

"Did I just get divorced?"

Agatha's question lingered long after it had been said.

The three sat there in silence, Agatha holding back tears, Sophie sliding her engagement ring on and off, contemplating what she should do, and Hort staring at her with pure resentment.

Eventually, Sophie decided on doing what she did best, casting the blame. 

"Tedros told me he saw you two in Agatha's bedroom looking quite cozy in each others arms." Sophie said bluntly, trying desperately to justify what her and Tedros did.

"I was comforting Agatha because we suspected both of you were cheating, Sophie." Hort spat the last part, "I can't believe you would do this to me." He rubbed his temples, obviously conflicted. "I should end you, here and now Soph, you know that right?"

Sophie stopped fidgeting, "Then why won't you?"
"Because I love you."

Sophie chose her next words very carefully, "Hort, a witch does not deserve true love. A witch does not get a happy ending. You know I love you, but there is a reason why villains always end up alone..." Sophie looked Hort in the eyes, "We aren't good enough for something as amazing as love. Hort, you mean everything to me, but yet I couldn't get rid of my feelings for another man, the man my best friend is married to. I don't deserve anyone. That's why I'm doing this, for your sake, Hort." Sophie reluctantly slid off her ring, deciding she ought to do at least one good thing for Agatha and Hort, who deserved so much more than her. 

"You know I love you, love you both, but this is never going to work. A witch and a Princess can never be friends, a witch can never have true love." Sophie placed the ring by Hort's limp hand, smiled sadly, and turned to follow Tedros. 

Never thought I would follow Teddy's advice Sophie thought as she dragged herself out of her own house, she was going to go far away; remove the burden that was her from their lives once and for all. 

Before setting off down the path towards the market place, she looked back, secretly wishing someone would rush out and talk some sense into her, convince her to stay, convince her she wasn't the worst person in the world and that everything would be okay, the only person there was Tedros.

"You came around, I see?" He approached her, "seems you aren't as evil as I thought."
"You're still here?"
"I was curious, I wanted to know whether you would follow my advice and leave."
"Well I did, and curse you for convincing me." Sophie snarled at him, Tedros sighed, "You can hate me, but it was the right thing to do."
"Yeah, well, I don't do the right thing. I'm The freaking Witch of Woods Beyond."

Tedros took another step forwards, "Thank you, Sophie."
Sophie echoed his movements and took another step back, "For what?"
"For showing me that I'm not a good person, I can finally stop lying to myself."
"Teddy, are there any good people? I mean, truly good people in this world?"
"No, there aren't."

Sophie ducked her head, the two of them stood there in comfortable silence for a moment before Tedros spoke, "Sophie, whatever you are looking for, whether that be love, money, power, I hope you find it, I really do."

Sophie smiled bitterly to herself, "Teddy, what are you going to do now?" 

Tedros slumped his shoulders, "I'm a King, what can I do?" 

Sophie's face lit up with a new idea, "Run away with me Teddy, we won't have anymore responsibilities or expectations, we can just be us. We can go wherever, do whatever-"

"Sophie, running away from your problems doesn't make them go away. I may not be perfect, but I still have an ounce of dignity, I won't abandon my Kingdom."

"Then what am I doing now?" Sophie turned back to the path she was about to take, exasperated. 

Tedros turned to her, "You don't have a Kingdom on your shoulders, its your call."

In that moment, Sophie found herself making a life changing decision, go or stay?


A/N: Chapter 15 finally finished! This was personally one of my favourite parts to write, I had fun with the talk between Sophie and Tedros (plus I'm on laptop now which makes writing soooo much easier).

Again, thank you all so much for reading, I'm so so so grateful to every one of you. Chapter 16 will be coming as soon as possible, and a note, your comments are the things that motivate me to write, they genuinely do make my day. I love interacting with yous, you're all so nice!

As always, have a great night, or day, depending on where you are.

Ily all <3

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