Chapter 7 - Drinks and kisses

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(pre-warning: more adult themes (sexual implications, drinks and hangovers))

Sun filtered through the cracks in the shutters and Sophie groaned, rubbing her eyes and then pressing her hand to her spinning head. Nausea threatened her and she dared not open her eyes and face the glaring sunlight. Someone beside her groaned, making Sophie scramble out the bed in shock; ignoring the pounding headache and churning stomach. Squinting, she identified Tedros, sitting on the bed and running a hand through his dishevelled golden hair. "T-Tedros?" She whispered in shock, he opened his puffy eyes and stared at Sophie before clamping a hand over his mouth. "Sophie..." He managed after a moment. Memories came flooding back, the two had gone to the bar, deciding a drink was the best way to take their mind off things. The drink had its toll, and before long they had rented a room. The rest was a blur, but as if having the same thought process, Sophie and Tedros both stared to look at the crumpled sheets and disarranged pillows, before Tedros choked, "You think we..." He trailed off, so Sophie completed his sentence, "kissed?" Tedros looked at her, "yeah, something like that."

Sophie choked down rising vomit as she realised what she had done, "Hort is going to kill me" she wheezed, "and Agatha... What have we done?" Sophie said, her voice hardly more than a croak. Both were still in their clothes from the night before, and as Sophie looked in the mirror, she realised that there was no way they were going to be able to hide from what they did. Her hair was a blond mess, her eyes were swollen and red, her lips were cracked, and all colour had drained from her cheeks. Likewise, Tedros looked like he had a fever as the hangover hit him and he rushed to the bathroom. On her own in the room, Sophie slipped to the floor. What they had done was unforgivable, and she doubted neither her fiance or her best friend would ever want to speak to her again. The situation was made worse as she felt the nausea grow, and had to lean over the bin to be safe. Head resting against the side of the bin, she watched Tedros return, looking even more Pale than he had before. He leant against the doorway to the bathroom, before signing and looking at Sophie, "you feeling OK?" The question had an obvious answer, but she said nonetheless, "not gonna lie, I've been better. What about you?" Tedros gave a tired smile, "Agatha and Hort are going to kill us, you know? I'm not sure why I'm not freaking out." His smile faded and he closed his eyes, "actually I take that back, I'm internally freaking out."

Neither of them spoke after that, but they stayed rooted to the spot for what seemed like an eternity, neither wanting to be the one to say the words... "We have to face the consequences of our actions" Sophie whispered finally, so quiet she wasn't sure Tedros heard; in a way she was hoping he hadn't heard, but he took a moment, then nodded. "I know." Sophie moved, then instantly regretted it, and clutched her stomach, which was threatening to throw up all the alcohol she had consumed the night before. Tedros rushed to her side and put his hand on her shoulder reassuringly, and Sophie waited for her stomach to settle before muttering, "thank you". Tedros smiled, but that smile was cut short by a pounding on the door, and a voice saying, "by order of the king's guard, open this door".


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