Chapter 12 - Truth will out

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Time was insignificant, she didn't know how long she was sitting there, staring at the ground, but it didn't matter.

She has seen it too.

How Tedros looked at Sophie.

How he always defended her.

The sad smiles he often cast her.

The awkwardness he showed when they talked.

His guilt.

Everything just felt all the more real now, Hort had just proved it wasn't just in her head, but she wasn't ready to accept the fact he was right; that they were right...

"Agatha, AGATHA!" She was snapped out of her daze, "huh?"
"You've been staring at the ground for 5 minutes straight."
Cecile rushed over and took Agatha's face in her hands before poking at her cheeks, and scrunching her forehead. "Maria, darling, bring me a wet cloth." A maid that had been standing in the corner of the room hurried over, "your highness," she handed Cecile the cloth before curtseying timidly to Agatha and scuttling off. Cecile wiped her face down vigorously.

"Cecile, I'm ok" Agatha cringed as her Stewardess pushed the cloth back onto her pale face, "please Cecile," Cecile pulled back. "I think she has snapped out of it, Mr Hort, she no longer has that fish fresh out of water look about her." Hort nodded, "and some of the colour has returned to her cheeks, thank you Cecile." Agatha watched them in bewildered, "I'm fine, honestly."

Hort looked her in the eyes, "I presume that news came as quite a shock, huh?" Hort smiled sadly, Agatha shook her head.
"Shock is the wrong word, I already was suspecting something, but that just confirmed my fears."

Cecile sighed, "As much as it pains me to say, I am a servant to the King, I ought not be in this conversation or else I would be breaking the oath I swore of loyalty to King Tedros..."
"That's ok, Cecile, thank you." Agatha smiled at her tall stewardess with knotted auburn hair. Cecile nodded, before bustling out of the room. Hort and Agatha just stared at each other.

After what seemed like forever, Hort spoke, "I heard them talking the other day, at mine and Sophie's, I went upstairs to bed after you, but they started talking so I eavesdropped..." Agatha's legs turned to jelly, good thing she was sitting down.
"...they were talking in hushed tones, but Tedros seemed panicked, and Sophie said something about 'never telling us'. At this point I was curious so I got closer to them..." Hort hesitated before saying, "I spied on them through the banisters on the stairs, he had her cornered. Sophie kept trying to back off but he was pulling her back. She said they had 'nothing more to discuss' but he wasn't giving up. In the end he asked if she was truly happy with me, and then Sophie, she hesitated." Hort tensed and stared at his feet before continuing, "I've been trying to piece it all together over the past days as to what they don't want to tell us, then it came to me. The night they were missing, what if they..." Hort gulped, and Agatha froze. It all made sense now. Everything Hort was saying made perfect sense.

"You're saying they..." She trailed off, Hort nodded. Agatha continued, "then they tried to cover it up? That would explain why Tedros has been so distant." She wrapped her arms around her legs and rested her head. "It makes perfect sense, that's why I hate it." Agatha said, voice slightly muffled from her head being in her legs. Hort sat next her on the bed and wrapped his arm around her, "we don't know for definite yet so we can't-" A knock on the door silenced Hort.

Tedros let himself in, but stopped when he saw Hort with his arm around Agatha on her bed, Tedros snarled, "am I interrupting something?"
"Tedros?" Agatha stared in surprise at the King.
"Yes, yes you are interrupting something" Hort spat back.
"No! No you aren't Tedros!" Tedros slammed the door and stormed away. Hort dropped his arms from around her, "he had no right-"
"No! You had no right, now he thinks we are cheating!" Agatha leaped up off the bed and clapped her hand on her forehead, "but he is the one cheating so its hypocritical!"
"We don't know that, Hort, he may be entirely innocent!" The words came out of Agatha's mouth, but she couldn't make herself believe them. The amount of evidence they had uncovered was becoming very hard to ignore.

Agatha sighed, "we can't get out of this without interrogating them, Hort."
"If we call them on it, we can explain what you were doing here. Then we will see if they did cheat or not." Hort nodded, "and what if they did?"
"Then..." Agatha took a shaky breath, "then I leave him."


A/N: You made it to the bottom of Chapter 12! Well done! I hope you like it, Sophie and Tedros 'bout to be busted. 😈

If you had forgotten, the scene Hort is describing is the scene in Chapter 9, with Tedros and Sophie's talk, but from Hort's perspective.

As always, tysm for reading and ily all so much!! <3

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