Chapter 5 - The market, the witch, and the king

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Sophie had been at the market for quite some time now, knowing that she needed to cool off before returning to Hort. Hours later, it was dark, no one was at the stalls anymore, and she was still not ready to go back home. Sitting on a park bench, Sophie got to thinking. First she thought about Hort, then those thoughts turned to Agatha, then to Tedros. Sophie saw him all too clear in her mind; golden locks, crystal blue eyes, chiselled jaw, and Agatha. Agatha's hands rested on his shoulder. She was wearing a gown that shone gold, pearls on the neckline, silk on the seams. The very dress Sophie had always imagined herself in, except this time, she saw the dress as a mere cosmetic, nothing more. The two looked happy, Tedros laughing and smiling in a way he only did with Agatha, and Agatha looking relaxed, in a way she only had previously with Sophie.

Sophie focused on Tedros again, his beautiful face, his beautiful hair, his beautiful eyes, everything about him was beautiful. She sighed despite herself, she loved him so much and nothing would change that. As she got lost in her thoughts, she heard a voice, a strong, clear voice that she knew all too well. "Sophie?" Tedros said in confusion. She glanced up and saw him, a street light behind him lighting him up in an almost saintly fashion. Blue eyes, the colour of crystals, watched her questioningly. "You should be home." Tedros pressed, "what are you doing?" Sophie was still captivated, lost in his perfect eyes and didn't respond.

Tedros sat on the bench and put his hand on her shoulder. "Hey, Sophie, you good there?" Sophie watched the concern flash across his features and felt his hand on her. It was like old times, the way he looked at her, as if she was more than a witch. "I'm good" Sophie breathed. Once again Tedros searched her face and nodded. Gathering herself, Sophie asked, "what about you? Don't normally see the king of Camelot in the park at 10pm." Tedros froze, his face changed and he looked down "Wanted to take a walk" he mumbled, obviously lying. Realising something was off, Sophie continued. "Does Aggie know you're out?" At the mention of Agatha, Tedros winced. The movement in his shadowed features was subtle, but Sophie could tell. "Erm, no, actually." He continued, "but it's fine, nothing to worry about." He added, too quickly, on the end.

Sophie knew something was wrong, and she realised he probably had no intent of telling her, so she respected that and bowed her head to stare at her feet. Tedros gradually loosened his muscles and sat back, relieved Sophie wasn't going to push him for an explanation, and looked up at the moon, a faint yellow glow surrounding it.

Sophie followed his line of sight and the two watched it in silence. It was a full moon tonight, no cloud cover, and it was beautiful. Before long, Sophie's vision turned to Tedros, his gaze unwavering, but empty. He was deep in though, she could tell, so she took the opportunity to mentally trace his features, his full lips, the curvature of his prominent brow line, the subtle tilt of his small nose, the way his jaw clenched when he was thinking, all of it. Eventually he noticed her staring, and turned to her playfully, "what" he laughed. Sophie smiled, "you're deep in thought. The way your features clenched gave it away. You always do that when you are deep in though." "Taking note of my facial expressions are we?" He said jokingly. When you have loved someone for the past 8 years you take note of these things, Sophie thought, but she replied with "When you have known someone for the past 8 years, you take note of these things." Tedros watched her face for a moment before nodding. "I suppose that is true." Sophie then looked at him, questioning the sometimes dim king, "you mean to say you have never once, in the past 8 years, payed attention to my facial expressions?" He responded breezily, his tone seemingly light, "well there is the 'I've seen a handsome prince' face, and then there is the 'I'm going to murder my friends face'-" Sophie punched his arm playfully, "shut up!" She laughed, Tedros chuckled along side her, seeming less burdened than he had a few moments ago.


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