Chapter 6 - Missing

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Agatha woke the next morning to a loud knock on her door. "Come in" she yawned, and her maids scurried in. "Excuse us Your Majesty, but we need to get you ready." One of them said, before dropping into a deep curtsey. Noting the hurry they were in, Agatha continued, "for what exactly?" The maids turned to look at her "Queen Jacinda of Jaunt Jolie is here to see King Tedros . Surely you knew that, Your Majesty?" "No, funnily enough, King Tedros never told me anything." She said passive aggressively, to the poor maids. Once more, anger bubbled inside of her, but this time she contained it, bottling it away, deciding that pounding on Tedros's door and storming in would do nothing but drive him away.

Once Agatha was up, she allowed the maids to dress her into an elegant gown, and tie her hair back into a regal bun on the back of her head. The maids did her makeup, a simple complexion of mascara and contour, and she was ready. "Why do I have to dress like this?" Agatha continued questioning. "Surely I shouldn't have to wear such fancy clothing if she is coming for Tedros." "The Queen wishes to see you too, your highness." One of the maids breathed. Now Tedros really had it coming for him. He didn't even tell her that the Queen of Jaunt Jolie wanted to see her. The maids once again curtseyed, and left the room. Leaving Agatha stood there wondering what to do now. Just then, her stewardess, Cecile, walked in. "Your Majesty, if I may, you are needed in the throne room. Queen Jacinda will be arriving soon."

Sighing, Agatha reluctantly followed Cecile down, before realising that Tedros would be there too, creating the perfect opportunity for her to speak to him, properly. Following this revelation, she gathered herself and stood tall, suddenly eager to enter the Royal meet-and-greet. A guard approached Cecile with a grave expression and beckoned to her, before murmering something that Agatha couldn't make out.

Cecile flashed a serious look in Agatha's direction, and then returned. "Your Majesty, I've just been informed that King Tedros is missing, and hence forth, the meeting is cancelled." This took a moment to absorb. Missing? Tedros is missing? "Sorry, you said missing? My husband is missing?" Agatha repeated incredulously. Cecile nodded, and continued, "I have faith that the castle guards are taking every action necessary to find his majesty." Agatha shook her head and burst into the throne room, two men were talking in hushed tones, and stopped abruptly when she stormed in. They turned to look at her, and upon realising who she was, dropped into a deep bow. "Your highness" they whispered respectfully. "Who are you both? What are you doing in my throne room?" Agatha snapped, wanting someone who could explain the situation to her in more detail. "Your highness, we are two of the most experienced detectives in the woods. We assure you we can find his majesty." One of them said with an air of grandeur. Agatha watched impatiently, "I didn't ask for an entire resigme, can you or can you not find my husband?" The man who had introduced themselves went red with embarrassment before taking back a professional stance. "Yes, your majesty." Agatha nodded, guilty for her rudeness, but continued none the less. "Good, if you are able to bring him back, I assure you, your pay will be more than satisfactory." The two men bowed and exited the throne room hurriedly, leaving Agatha standing alone in her golden dress, feeling anything but the emotions associated with the colour. Tedros is missing. The reality of the matter just began to dawn on her, and a heavy weight rooted her to the spot, until Cecile entered and ushered her away.


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